Das inflammatorische Infiltration im Seminom - Ein Hinweis auf den klinischen Verlauf?
The inflammatory infiltrate in seminoma - An indication of the clinical outcome?
by Fabian Alexander Gayer
Date of Examination:2021-07-01
Date of issue:2021-06-24
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Lutz Trojan
Referee:Prof. Dr. Lutz Trojan
Referee:PD Dr. Felix Bremmer
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Name:Dissertation von Fabian Gayer SUB-Version.pdf
Both, in the metastatic tumor stage and in localized testicular tumor diseases, patients are treated with chemotherapy. The risk of short and long-term side effects is subordinated to the curative intention of the therapy. However, in many cases patients in the CSI experience overtreatment in order to reduce the risk of relapse and are accordingly exposed to the side effects mentioned. It is the aim to use detailed risk stratification of the individual patient with regard to prognosis and disease course at the time of diagnosis to identify those patients who have a significantly increased risk of relapse and only treat them appropriately adjuvant. Various studies have failed in recent years, besides the already known predictors of relapse (tumor size> 4 cm, rete testis infiltration) to identify new factors that show prognostic significance. Possibly a key could be found in molecular pathology methods and the knowledge of the importance of the inflammatory infiltrate in seminomas. For other tumors it has already been shown that the inflammatory infiltrate can play a decisive role in the course of the disease in patients (Clark 1991; Zhang et al. 2003). This thesis is devoted to the question of the importance of the inflammatory infiltrate and its subtypes in seminomatous testicular tumors. By processing and analyzing the immunohistochemical tumor preparations with consideration of the two large groups of lymphocytes (t- and b-lymphocytes) and their quantity and infiltration in the seminoma. Conclusions should be drawn about the histopathological characteristics of the tumor. In combination with the clinical follow-up data of the affected patients, the importance of the inflammatory infiltrate for the course of the disease is investigated. In addition to the question of the importance of lymphocytic infiltration, the histopathological and clinical characteristics of the patients are analyzed with a view to their influence on the course of the patient's disease. In this way, possible new predictors for relapse could be identified. In particular, the group of t-cells and their role in testicular tumors will be examined. The question of the importance of b-lymphocytes with their potential local regulatory effect in the primary and the much discussed antibody-mediated systemic immune response should also be elaborated.
Keywords: germ cell cancer; seminoma; immune cells; lymphocytes; tumor micro environment; testicular cancer