Prognostische Relevanz der mittels Magnetresonanztomographie ermittelten manuellen longitudinalen ventrikulären systolischen Funktion nach Myokardinfarkt
Fast manual long-axis strain assessment provides optimized cardiovascular event prediction following myocardial infarction
by Alina Schlake née Stulle
Date of Examination:2022-01-11
Date of issue:2022-01-11
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Andreas Schuster
Referee:Prof. Dr. Thomas Paul
Referee:Prof. Dr. Ralf Dressel
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Cardiovascular magnetic resonance feature tracking (CMR-FT) global longitudinal strain (GLS) provides incremental prognostic value following acute myocardial infarction (AMI) but requires substantial post-processing. Alternatively, manual global long-axis strain (LAS) can be easily assessed from standard steady state free precession images. We aimed to define the prognostic value of LAS in a large multicentre study in patients following AMI.
Keywords: Long Axis Strain; LAS