Analyse der Operations-Verfahren bei Reablatio retinae ohne Proliferative Vitreoretinopathie nach primärer Buckelchirurgie - pars-plana-Vitrektomie versus Buckelrevision-
Analysis of the different operative treatments of a retinal redetachment without PVR after primary buckle-surgery; pars-plana-vitrectomy versus buckle-surgery
by Wiebke Schwarz
Date of Examination:2013-11-26
Date of issue:2013-11-13
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Hans Hoerauf
Referee:Prof. Dr. Ralph Rödel
Referee:Prof. Dr. Martin Oppermann
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Name:Endfassung Doc Arbeit.pdf
We retrospectively analyzed 79 eyes, which developed a rhegmathogenous retinal redetachment without PVR after primary buckle-surgery during the years 1994 – 2006, which were treated at the eye clinic of the University of Göttingen with a pars-plana-vitrectomy, a buckle-surgery or a combination of these two options. All treated eyes were divided into three groups dependent on the chosen type of operation (group I = pars-plana-vitrectomy, group II = buckle-surgery, group III = combination of the two options). The retina was reattached in 88, 1% of the cases (37/42), which were treated by a pars-plana-vitrectomy, in 89, 7% of the cases (26/29), which were treated by buckle surgery and in 100% of the cases (8/8), which were treated by a combination of the two operations. In all groups an improvement of the vision were achieved. Regarding the eyes with a preoperatively attached macular the groups showed no significant difference. In due consideration of the eyes with a detached macular, the improvement of the vision was significant higher in the vitrectomy-group. There was no significant difference in the development of operative complications. In the vitrectomy-group there was a significant higher rate of cataract-operations during the postoperative time compared to the buckle-group. Also the group which was treated with a combination of these two operations showed a higher cataract rate after surgery compared to the buckle-group. But the difference was not significant. There was a significant higher rate of a postoperative increased intraocular pressure in the pars-plana-vitrectomy-group and the combined-operation-group compared to the buckle-group. The change of refraction was significant higher in group II and III compared to group I.
Keywords: retinal redetachment