Einfluss des Gravitational Platelet Separation System (GPS-System) im Hinblick auf Wundheilungsstörungen und Infektionen des Sternums nach medianer Sternotomie bei herzchirurgischem Eingriff an Patienten mit erhöhtem Risikoprofil
Influence of the Gravitational Platelet Separation System (GPS-System) in view of sternal wound healing disorders and infections following median sternotomy in cardiothoracic surgery in patients with increased risk profile
by Maike-Corinna Bury
Date of Examination:2015-08-18
Date of issue:2015-07-28
Advisor:PD Dr. Hilmar Dörge
Referee:PD Dr. Hilmar, Dörge
Referee:PD Dr. Joachim Riggert
Files in this item
Name:Dissertation Bury 2015.07.12. ohne Lebenslauf.pdf
Incidence of deep sternal wound infection is not reduced with autologous platelet rich plasma in high-risk cardiac surgery patients.
Keywords: Thrombozytenreiches Plasma+PRP+GPS+Herzchirurgie