Anwendungsbezogene Weiterentwicklung der abbildenden Ellipsometrie
Applied enhancement of imaging ellipsometry
von Christian Röling
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2017-09-07
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Philipp Vana
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Andreas Janshoff
Gutachter:PD Dr. Thomas Zeuch
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Jörg Enderlein
Gutachter:Dr. Florian Ehlers
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Jörg Schroeder
Since the work of Geim of graphene as the first 2D material, application and rese- arch of 2D materials is the main booming branch this decade. Overall the imaging techniques like RAMAN Imaging, AFM and optical microscopy are very unique in localizing characterizing these kind of materials, which are in the beginning only several micron large. This work is about one technique that combines the advantage of the sensitivity of an AFM and the lateral resolution of an optical microscope: Imaging Ellipsometry. This non-destructive method offers the opportunity for cha- racterizing micro-structured thin films regarding thickness and optical properties. How does ellipsometry and especially imaging ellipsometry work? What kind of applications can be considered for this method? What is the confinement of this technique? How could this technique can be extended for new applications? These are the main aspects of this work. As a non-destructive tool in the field of sur- face science, this work also show several applications ranging from micro-structured organic semi-conductive single-crystals to micro-structured polymer surfaces. Ano- ther aspects are the enhancements of the instrument regarding spectroscopy in the UV/NIR range and spectroscopic mapping for example of a micro graphene flake. This work also shows that an imaging ellipsometer is a multi-tool in the field of sur- face science and can be used as a polarization microscope, brewster angle microscope or contact angle measuring instrument.
Keywords: ellipsometry; thin film; thickness; optical properties; imaging; microstructure; anisotropy