Trans* und Elternschaft Wie trans* Eltern normative Vorstellungen von Familie und Geschlecht verhandeln
Trans* and Parenthood - How trans* parents negotiate normative concepts of family and gender
von Rix Weber
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2018-02-03
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Utan Schirmer
Gutachter:Dr. Robin Bauer
Name:Rix Weber Trans und Elternschaft Masterarbeit(1).pdf
In my thesis I analysed how trans* parents, who had their "coming out" after child birth, negotiate normative concepts of family and gender. It is a quality research on the base of four biographic-narrative interviews. Furthermore I analysed present (german) researches on so-called "Regenbogen-Familien" (LGBTIQ families) and their lack of trans representation. Main topics in my thesis are pregnancies and biologistic views on gender and reproduction, the normative pressure of society regarding family, motherhood and education, such as questions and irritations of individual identities as results of transitioning as a parent.
Keywords: trans; family; gender; parents; transgender