Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Advisor & Referee "Rabenstein, Kerstin Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Differenzierungen, Normalität und Positionierungen. Analysen studentischer Äußerungen über Inklusion und Schüler*innen.
(2023-08-04)In recent years, 'inclusion' has become an important topic in school and classroom research as well as in teacher education and student research. While quantitative-empirical research asks about attitudes and similar ... -
Gespräche im Mentorat
(2021-12-22)At Swiss universities of teacher education, the so-called ‘Mentorat’ is a format in which students are programmatically accompanied in their individual professionalisation process. This format is widespread and, as well, ... -
Probleme aus Sicht von Lehrkräften im Fach Gesellschaftslehre – eine quantitative Untersuchung
(2020-05-29)It was the purpose of this master’s thesis to gain insight into the problems of the interdisciplinary subject Social Studies at Integrated Comprehensive Schools from the teachers’ point of view. For this purpose, an ... -
Comparative Research on the Motivations, Influential Factors, and Current Status of Lifelong Learning in China and Germany
(2016-03-11)This study focuses on comparative research on the lifelong learning motivations and influential factors in China and Germany. As lifelong learning is a widely recognized system, which possesses international importance, ...