Untersuchung der Sekretome von Zellen des Parodontalligaments jugendlicher und erwachsener Patienten mittels metabolischer Markierung und Massenspektrometrie
Analysis of periodontal ligament cell secretomes in adolescent and adult patients using metabolic labeling and mass spectrometry
von Astrid Jensen geb. Steding
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2022-09-27
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Philipp Franz Meyer-Marcotty
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Philipp Franz Meyer-Marcotty
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Henning Urlaub
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Ralf Dressel
Name:Dissertation_Jensen_Astrid_220918 SUB.pdf
In order to understand the influence of biological processes on orthodontic treatment, investigations into the structures of the periodontal ligament and their functions in the orthodontic context must be carried out. An essential element for this can be the comparative analysis of secreted proteins from cells of the periodontal ligament, in order to allow conclusions to be drawn about the induction of remodeling processes in the surrounding tissue of the periodontium. Since the periodontium's readiness to react to orthodontic interventions decreases with age, the differences in the secretomes of juvenile and adult test subjects are to be investigated. In this work, a method for the cultivation of PDL cells in SILAC medium with isotope-labeled amino acids and subsequent analysis of the secretome in a mass spectrometer was established. For this purpose, the samples marked with medium-heavy (juvenile) and heavy (adult) amino acids were prepared and analyzed by LC-MS/MS. 182 proteins were identified that were present in the secretomes of juvenile and adult subjects. These included numerous proteins that had already been described as proteins of the GCF proteome in previous studies, such as e.g. B. MMPs, TIMPs, collagens and other proteins of the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix. A comparison of the secretomes of juvenile and adult subjects revealed some proteins that were increased in juvenile subjects (IGFBP7, SERPINE2, COL1A1, LGALS3BP) and 24 others that were secreted at increased levels in adult subjects (e.g. ITIH5, HIST1H2A, QPCT , GLUD1). The results show that proteins of the juvenile secretome are primarily associated with biochemical processes such as cell adhesion and reaction to stimulus response, which indicates the increased reactivity of juvenile PDL cells and their activation compared to adult PDL cells could deliver. Basically, the results of this work provide indications that cells of the periodontal ligament of juvenile patients respond better to external stimuli than adult ones by activating reactive cell processes.
Keywords: periodontal ligament; SILAC; secretome; mass spectrometry; orthodontics