Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor & Referee "Alves, Frauke Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 22
Chondrogene Differenzierung mesenchymaler Stammzellen: Der Einfluss von Hyaluronan und Kollagen-Typ-II auf die Chondrogenese in PEGDA-Hydrogelen
(2025-02-05)The treatment of cartilage defects is challenging since cartilage, as a bradytrophic and avascular tissue, lacks the necessary self-regeneration capacity to adequately repair degenerative, inflammatory or traumatic defects. ... -
Exploring the role of Cytoglobin (CYGB) in melanoma pathobiology
(2025-01-17)Skin cancer is one of the most common malignancies worldwide, with melanoma being the deadliest form. Although both targeted therapies inhibiting the MAPK pathway and immunotherapy have improved the prognosis of patients ... -
Influence of oligodendrocytes on neuronal network activity
(2024-10-11)Myelination of axons is an important function of oligodendrocytes. This highly complex process is influenced by a multitude of factors, not all of which are known, let alone completely understood. The myelin sheath is ... -
Charakterisierung muriner und humaner Tumoren mit besonderem Fokus auf die Immunzellinfiltration mittels innovativer bildgebender Verfahren
(2024-08-23)3D imaging of the immune cell status in a complex tumour volume represents an important step towards understanding the anti-tumour immune response and a decisive predictor of the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibition. ... -
Extending the classical histological routine through microcomputed tomography imaging and multimodal image processing
(2024-04-08)Histological analysis has proven to be the de facto gold standard for the characterization of hard and soft tissue samples at cellular resolution in both clinical routine and biomedical research. After the tissue sample ... -
Evaluation der Gewebeperfusion des mikrozirkulären Systems mit Hilfe von hyperspektraler Bildgebung nach Majoramputation an der unteren Extremität
(2023-09-11)Introduction: Perfusion disorders are a frequent complication after major amputation at the lower limb. The resulting decreased tissue perfusion and venous stasis lead to wound healing disorders and tissue necrosis as well ... -
Vorbereitende Studien zu Methoden der Wachstumslenkung am Schafsmodell
(2023-08-03)In the present work, investigations were carried out within the framework of the BMBF project "Externally steerable plate osteosynthesis system for children (KiD Plate)" (No.13GW0302B). The investigations concerned the ... -
Der Einfluss von Rab5c auf die Ciliogenese bei chondrogenen Progenitorzellen
(2023-02-15)The primary cilium is gaining increasing importance in research because it is believed that the primary cilium is involved in regulating the differentiation, matrix synthesis potential, and migration of chondrogenic ... -
Auswirkung von ACE-Hemmern auf die Nierenfunktion bei hereditären Nierenerkrankungen wie dem Alport-Syndrom im Mausmodell
(2022-04-22)Alport syndrome is a hereditary kidney disease that leads to the development of progressive kidney failure. It is based on mutations in the COL4 genes. Homozygous or hemizygous patients develop the disease earlier and more ... -
Cartilage Adjacent Subchondral Bone in Ageing and Disease as a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Target
(2021-05-06)Osteochondral unit is emerging as a focal point in osteoarthritis (OA) research, with subchondral bone (SB) attracting more attention as a critical contributing factor to the initiation and progression of OA. In particular, ... -
Evaluation der Interaktionen zwischen extrazellulärer Matrix und ausgewählten tumorassoziierten Proteinen mittels Nahinfrarot-Antikörpern
(2020-10-23)The interplay between tumor cells and their microenvironment is crucial for carcinogenesis and tumor progression. In my thesis, I examine selected tumor-associated proteins that interact with the extracellular matrix ... -
Die Wirkung des kompetitiven Gastrin-releasing peptide-(GRP-) -Antagonisten RC 3095 auf das Wachstumsverhalten im Modell experimentell induzierter orthotoper Nierenzellkarzinome – Analyse mittels Volumencomputertomographie (VCT)
(2017-08-21)Despite the use of new drugs, renal tumours are still difficult to treat during the metastatic stage and have an unfavourable prognosis. Consequently, it makes sense to study new therapeutic paths in an animal model. In ... -
Analyse von Mikrosatelliteninstabilität und hMSH2-Expression bei Patienten mit akuter myeloischer Leukämie
(2017-06-12)Acute myeloid leukemia, the most common acute leukemia in adults, is a malignant, genetically heterogeneous, clonal disorder, which is based on haemopoietic progenitor cells with a disrupted ability of self-renewal, ... -
Die Wirkung des targeted Chemotherapeutikums AESZ-108 (AN-152) auf GnRH- positive Pankreaskarzinomzelllinien
(2016-10-25)Pancreatic cancer is the fourth commonest cause of cancer-related mortality across the world. Because of the poor response to conventional chemotherapy, small molecules, radiation therapy and surgery, the development ... -
Die Wirkung von GnRH-Analoga auf die Expression von Wachstumsfaktoren und deren Rezeptoren in humanen Mammakarzinomzellen und der Osteoblasten-ähnlichen Zellreihe MG-63 während der Kokultur
(2016-01-13)Breast cancer is the most common cancer of women worldwide. In the advanced stage of the disease, up to 75% of all patients develop bone metastases. Based on the finding that GnRH analogues inhibit the migration and ... -
In vivo Optical Imaging zum Nachweis der Leberrepopulation nach Konditionierung der Empfängerleber und Hepatozytentransplantation
(2014-05-23)Near infrared fluorescence (NIRF) optical imaging is a technique particularly powerful when studying in vivo processes at the molecular level in preclinical animal models. The purpose of this study was to assess optical ... -
Localization of the voltage-gated Kv10.2 potassium channel in the mouse organism
(2013-09-10)Already 100 years ago, the importance of ion channels for nerve cell conduction was described. Subsequently, an expression und function of ion channels outside of the nervous system was discovered. Approximately 20 years ... -
Die Charakterisierung der induzierbaren Stickstoffmonoxidsynthase im murinen RENCA-Nierenzellkarzinommodell unter spezieller Berücksichtigung tumorassoziierter Makrophagen, der Gefäßdichte und Tumorhypoxie
(2013-03-06)Objective. To characterize a murine renal cell carcinoma model considering hypoxia inducible tumor necrosis, macrophage infiltration as well as expression and activity level of iNOS. Methods. In vitro cultivated RENCA-cells ... -
Untersuchung des Effekts einer Überexpression von Cathepsin B in Zielzellen zytotoxischer Zellen
(2012-06-12)Cytotoxic T cells lyse malignant tumor cells by releasing perforin and granzymes from preformed cytotoxic granules. Within the cytotoxic response the target cells and the killer cells are exposed to cell death mediators. ... -
Innovative NIR fluorescent probes for an improved tumor detection in vivo
(2012-05-08)There is a great demand for the development of highly fluorescent and specific probes that enable a sensitive and early detection of malignancies and a separation from healthy tissue in a non-invasive way by in vivo imaging. ...