Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor & Referee "Antal, Andrea PD Dr."
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Auswirkungen der Stimulation des menschlichen Motorkortex mit randomisiertem Strom auf die kortikospinale Erregbarkeit
(2010-10-21)For several years methods of non-invasive stimulation have been used to induce neuroplasticity in the human motor cortex. TDCS and rTMS have been proven to change corticospinal excitability. This study will survey the ... -
Verstärkung des antinozizeptiven Effekts der kathodalen transkraniellen Gleichstromstimulation durch den Dopaminagonisten Pergolid
(2010-10-06)Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) was recently reintroduced as a tool for inducing relatively long-lasting changes of cortical excitability in focal brain regions. Anodal ...