Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Bäsecke, Jörg PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Inzidenz von therapieinduzierten, AML-assoziierten genetischen Aberrationen am Beispiel der Translokationen t(8;21), t(9;22) und Inversion 16
(2017-04-13)Secondary leukemia following high dose chemotherapy are a well known problem in oncology. The appearance of leukemogenic clones and the time preceding a clinical detactable t-AML/MDS could not exactly be clarified to date. ... -
Nachweis zytogenetischer Aberrationen nach Chemotherapie zur diagnostischen Früherkennung therapieassoziierter hämatologischer Neoplasien
(2011-04-27)Due to developed chemotherapy regimes higher rates of complete remissions are reached by myeloablative therapies with autologous stem cell or bone marrow transplantation with Hodgkin and ... -
Mit AML assoziierte MLL-partielle Tandemduplikationen (MLL-PTD) sind in Stammzellen aus Nabelschnurblut lebenslang nachweisbar
(2010-05-21)AML-associated MLL-PTD have an impact on leukemogenesis by a gain of function and confer an unfavorable prognosis. They are also present in healthy adults and children. We tracked down ...