Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Liman, Jan Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Die Wirkung von additiver systemischer Lysetherapie zur mechanischen Therapie auf das funktionelle Outcome in Schlaganfallpatient*innen mit proximalem Gefäßverschluss (LVOS) der vorderen Zirkulation
(2024-09-04)Background: Endovascular treatment (EVT) represents a highly effective intervention for the management of large vessel occlusion stroke (LVOS). The question of whether intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) prior to endovascular ... -
T1-Mapping des zervikalen Myelons bei degenerativer zervikaler Spinalkanalstenose
(2024-09-03)Cervical spinal canal stenosis is a common disease of the elderly and can cause a variety of symptoms. There are currently no standardised and clear treatment recommendations regarding the right treatment modality for ... -
Einfluss der Herzinsuffizienz auf das Outcome nach Thrombektomie bei Schlaganfallpatienten
(2023-09-12)There are studies that indicate that heart failure has an impact on the mortality and morbidity of stroke patients. But this influence of heart failure on stroke outcome has not yet been established. We asked ourselves to ... -
Der Stellenwert der CT-Angiographie in der Akutdiagnostik der Transitorisch Ischämischen Attacke
(2023-07-11)Background: Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is an important predictor for a pending stroke. Guidelines recommend similar workup for TIA-patients as for stroke patients to directly assess the extra- and intracranial arteries ... -
Einfluss der Gebrechlichkeit beim geriatrischen Patienten auf den Erfolg der systemischen Lysetherapie beim ischämischen Schlaganfall
(2023-01-20)The hospital frailty risk score (HFRS) was established to assess frailty in geriatric patients based on the tenth revision of the International Classification of Disease (ICD-10) code. Previous studies have shown that it ... -
Einfluss der endovaskulären Therapie mit und ohne intravenöse Thrombolyse auf die Kognition bei Patienten mit gutem funktionellen Outcome nach ischämischem Schlaganfall
(2021-05-25)The targeted use of endovascular therapy, with or without intravenous thrombolysis in acute large cerebral vessel occlusion stroke has been proven to be superior compared to intravenous thrombolysis alone. Despite favorable ... -
Effekt der Beta-Blocker-Therapie auf die Infektionsrate nach einem ischämischen Schlaganfall
(2021-04-30)Stroke-induced immunodepression is a well characterized complication of acute ischemic stroke. In experimental studies beta-blocker therapy reversed stroke-induced immunodepression, reduced infection rates and mortality. ... -
Überprüfung der Validität der Transkraniellen Dopplersonographie bei der Detektion der Basilarisarterienstenose oder In-Stent-Restenose der Arteria basilaris
(2020-07-30)Background: There are contradictory reports concerning the validity of transcranial sonography (TCD and TCCS) for examinations of the basilar artery. Here we investigated sensitivity and specificity of transcranial sonography ...