Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Mörer, Onnen Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Evaluation der Kontamination von Infusionssytemen bei Intensivpatienten
(2024-06-04)Bloodstream infections associated with the use of central venous catheters (CLABSI) account for approximately 5% of nosocomial infections. In Europe, it is estimated that more than 160,000 CLABSIs occur annually. This has ... -
Langzeit-EIT-Monitoring als Indikator für die Entstehung eines Lungenödems während maschineller Beatmung im Tierexperiment
(2024-02-02)In the present study, the question of the extent to which long-term EIT monitoring (EIT = electrical impedance tomography) is suitable as an indicator for the development of pulmonary oedema during mechanical VILI ventilation ... -
Auswirkungen minderperfundierter Lungenareale und Beatmungsschäden auf die elektrische Impedanz von Lungengewebe
(2022-11-18)The effects of hypo perfused lung areas and ventilator-induced injury on the electrical impedance of lung tissue were investigated. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) was applied to visualize impedance profiles. Targeted ... -
Der PEEP und seine Auswirkung auf die mechanische Leistung bei der maschinellen Beatmung
(2021-05-11)PEEP in the context of VILI in mechanical ventilation is assumed to be protective. Theoretical PEEP should be a part of the computation of the applied mechanical power as it is proposed in the concept of ergotrauma and ... -
Untersuchung der klinischen Anwendbarkeit der volumetrischen Kapnometrie bei Hochfrequenz-Oszillationsbeatmung (HFOV) im ARDS-Großtiermodell
(2021-04-23)As the first in vivo study, this dissertation and animal experiments investigate the application of volumetrical capnometry during HFOV in an ARDS large animal model. We could demonstrate that the method is applicable and ... -
Variation des exspiratorischen Umschaltkriteriums während assistierter Beatmung bei chronisch obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung – Untersuchung der Patient-Ventilator-Interaktion am Lungenmodell
(2015-11-10)Introduction: During pressure support ventilation (PSV) the ventilator cycles to the expiratory phase when the inspiratory flow falls below a predefined percentage of the peak-flow, the off-cycling criterion. In COPD ... -
Anwendung von Notfallbeatmungsgeräten zur invasiven und nicht-invasiven Beatmung an einem Versuchsmodell - resultierende Beatmungsgrößen und gastrale Insufflation
(2015-06-16)Background: Respiratory insufficiency and therapy are central problems in emergency and critical care medicine. If ventilation is necessary, a possible treatment could be invasive (e.g. via tracheal tube) or non-invasive ...