Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Mausberg, Rainer Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Adjuvante Radiochemotherapie beim lokal fortgeschrittenen Rektumkarzinom. Behandlungsergebnisse der Strahlentherapie und Evaluation.
(2017-03-03)We retrospectively analyzed the therapeutical outcome of patients with locally advanced rectal carcinoma, treated with postoperative radiochemotherapy. Our aim was to evaluate the efficiancy of the treatment performed at ... -
Nachweis parodontalpathogener Bakterien-DNA, von Lipopolysaccharid-Binding-Protein (LBP), LBP-Rezeptor (CD14), Makrophagen (CD68) sowie von Herzinsuffizienzmarkern (proBNP NT) im humanen Myokard Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie
(2016-12-07)Aim of the study: The aim of this pilot study was the verification of a study model with appropriate clinical microbiological protein biochemical as well as immunohistochemical parameters for the clarification of possible ... -
Parodontale und orale mikrobielle Parameter bei Patienten mit verschiedenen koronaren Herzerkrankungen
(2016-11-09)Abstract: The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact on clinical periodontal parameters and the presence of periodontal pathogens in patients with different coronary heart diseases. Our objectives were to find a ... -
Klinische Studie zur möglichen Assoziation von Parodontitis und chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen - Ergebnisse zahnbezogener und parodontologischer Parameter
(2016-08-01)Clinical periodontal and dental parameters in patients with Chronical Bowel Disease Aim: The aim of this clinical cross-sectional study was to evaluate the periodontal and dental situation of patients with chronical ... -
Parodontale Frühdiagnostik mit dem Parodontalen Screening-Index im Vergleich zum radiologischen Knochenabbau- Eine retrospektive Untersuchung anhand vorliegender Daten parodontaler Recallpatienten
(2015-12-04)Today, periodontal diseases affect a large segment of the population and they are – together with caries – one of the major reasons for tooth loss. The diagnosis of periodontal diseases comprises a clinical and radiological ... -
Der Einfuss von Säurewirkung und Bürstabrasion auf die Stabilität verschiedener Dentinschutzlacke - eine In-vitro-Untersuchung
(2015-09-03)The aim of this study was to investigate the dentin protection of different desensitization varnishes (light- and self-curing) during acid action/abrasion stress and thermocyclic loading in-vitro. Materials and Methods: ... -
Wirkung von zwei verschieden konzentrierten alkoholfreien CHX-Mundspüllösungen auf die Regenerationsfähigkeit von humanen Gingivafibroblasten
(2014-02-17)Increasing importance is given to the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and tooth protec-tion properties of chlorhexidine mouth washes, as the mechanical plaque reduction is often insufficient. Numerous studies have proven ... -
Prüfung der Anwendbarkeit des Laser-Scanning-Mikroskopes zur Bewertung der Abnutzung von Zahnbürstenborsten
(2013-11-12)The aim of this study was to develop another method to study the characteristics of toothbrush bristles and thus to evaluate the applicability of laser-scanning-microscopy fot the assessment of bristle rounding. Toothbrushes ... -
LPS-bindendes Protein an humanem Myokard unter Berücksichtigung der parodontalen Gesundheit und des IL-1-Polymorphismus
(2013-07-31)Aim of the present study was to investigate as part of a pilot project whether lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of periodontopathogenic microorganisms are able to ligate to the human myocardium initiating an inflammatory response ... -
Untersuchung zum Zusammenhang zwischen Herzinsuffizienz und chronischer Parodontitis mittels immunhistochemischem Nachweis der Makrophagenmarker CD68 und CD14
(2013-07-10)The aim of this study was to investigate whether periodontal microorganisms in the myocardium of the heart can be detected. The interaction of the toxins (lipopolysaccharides) was recorded on myocardial tissue and in this ... -
Klinisch retrospektive Untersuchung zur Effektivität auf Langzeitstabilität der regenerativen Parosontaltherapie mit Schmelz-Matrix-Proteinen (Emdogain)
(2012-03-12)Background: The aims of this retrospective clinical study were to clinical and radiographically evaluate the effect of a microsurgical approach for the treatment of intra-bony defects with ... -
Klinische Studie zum Einfluss der Gebrauchsdauer von Zahnbürsten verschiedenener Borstenhärten auf Plaquekontrolle und Gingivazustand
(2012-02-20)The most reliable method for plaque removal is the mechanical reduction of oral plaque with toothbrushes. As a daily used basic commodity a toothbrush wears out and should therefore be ... -
Überlebens- und Erfolgsrate von Keramik-Veneers nach 3 Jahren Tragezeit
(2011-11-10)Aim: Retrospective evaluation of jaw position and type of resin cement on the survival and success rate of heat-pressed anterior ceramic veneers in a private practice after 36 months.Material ... -
Wirkung von antiseptischen Mundspüllösungen auf die menschlichen Zellen der Mundschleimhaut - Eine in-vitro-Studie
(2011-06-03)Objectives: The aim was to investigate the effect of the oral antiseptics on metabolism, number of fibroblasts and epithelium cells, viability and cell diameter in relation to contact time. ... -
Histologische Untersuchung am Schweinegaumen zu möglichen Zahnfleischverletzungen durch verschiedene Handzahnbürsten
(2011-05-19)A number of studies in the past showed that intensive oral hygiene with a tooth brush in combination with the wrong brushing technique can lead to injuries of the gingiva. The aim of this ... -
Klinische Studie zum Mundhygieneverhalten und zur zahnärztlichen Aufklärung von Patienten vor und nach Organtransplantation
(2010-11-23)The study aims to describe the oral hygiene of patients before and after solid organ transplantation and to evaluate their knowledge about the correlation between oral health and organ ... -
Klinische Vergleichsstudie der konventionellen Parodontalsonde mit der Florida Probe an parodontal gesunden und erkrankten Patienten
(2010-10-21)To assess the progress of periodontal therapy, measurements of probing depth and attachment loss are essential. Changes over time can only determine if the measurements are reproducible. ... -
Effekt einer einmaligen Gruppenprophylaxesitzung auf die Mundhygiene bei Soldaten der Bundeswehr
(2010-02-01)Effect of a non-recurring group training on oral hygiene for soldiers od the Bundeswehr In this study the effect of a non-recurring group training on oral hygiene in soldiers of the Bundeswehr ... -
Vergleich der Farbstabilität milder und hochkonzentrierter Bleichmittel
(2009-11-25)The aim of this study was to find out, with a computer-aided colour analysis, whether there are differences in the colour stability between low concentrated (15%th Carbamidperoxid) and high ...