Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Miosge, Nicolai Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 48
Eigenschaften chondrogener Progenitorzellen mit RAB5C-Knockout
(2024-07-03)Osteoarthritis is one of the most prominent civilization diseases due to its wide prevalence. Current therapies mainly focus on various symptomatic and rehabilitative approaches, as causal therapies are still lacking. ... -
Einfluss von Zoledronat und Denosumab auf humane Zellen der osteoblastären Linie aus dem Kieferknochen anhand osteogener Marker
(2023-06-07)Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw is a common complication of antiresorptive therapy. Zoledronate and denosumab are the most widely used and potent drugs for antiresorptive therapy, and at the same time are ... -
Evaluation des Immunophilins FKBP51 als therapeutisches Ziel in der Therapie der Osteoarthrose
(2023-04-21)Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease leading to a destruction of the articular cartilage and the surrounding tissues of the affected joints. In the late stages it cumulates in a complete loss of joint function. ... -
Der Einfluss von Rab5c auf die Ciliogenese bei chondrogenen Progenitorzellen
(2023-02-15)The primary cilium is gaining increasing importance in research because it is believed that the primary cilium is involved in regulating the differentiation, matrix synthesis potential, and migration of chondrogenic ... -
Differenzierungspotenzial humaner primärer Parodontalligament-Zellen von Patienten mit gesundem Zahnhalteapparat
(2022-06-07)The fibrous apparatus of the human periodontium is subject to both structural aging processes and adaptation to functional loads and thus exhibits characteristics of a dynamic system. Structural studies of the parodontal ... -
Immunhistochemische Untersuchung von Patienten mit Bisphosphonat-assoziierten Osteonekrosen der Kiefer
(2022-06-03)The aim of this present study was to compare resected mandibula bone segments of patients with bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) to healthy mandibula bone samples with reference to histological ... -
Differenzierung mesenchymaler Progenitorzellen aus dem Wurzelzement humaner Zähne und Co-Kultivierung mit PDL-Zellen
(2021-02-22)Periodontitis is a widespread disease of the periodontal ligament: The German Dental Association sees further need in the fifth oral health study for the treatment of periodontal diseases, since every second younger adult ... -
Zusammensetzung der mikrobiellen Flora auf der Zunge und im Speichel bei frühkindlicher Karies
(2020-09-22)Early childhood caries is still a worldwide problem that affects children in developing countries as well as children in industrialized nations such as Germany. It is a multifactorial disease, where the main factors are ... -
Nachweis und isoformspezifische Funktion von HMGB1-Protein im osteoarthritischen Knorpel und chondrogenen Progenitorzellen
(2020-07-06)Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common musculoskeletal disease in the elderly, characterized by painful aseptic inflammation, destruction of the joint surface and subchondral sclerosis. In late-stage OA, human articular cartilage ... -
Der Einfluss von YWHAE auf das chondrogene Potenzial von chondrogenen Progenitorzellen
(2020-06-19)The goal of this thesis was to investigate the influence of YWHAE on the chondrogenic potential of chondrogenic progenitor cells (CPC). If it would be possible to enhance their chondrogenic potential, CPCs would be a ... -
Nachweis und Lokalisation der regulatorischen Proteine RGS4 und RGS10 innerhalb osteoarthrotischen Knorpels und chondrogener Progenitorzellen
(2020-01-27)In this study, for the first time the regulatory proteins RGS4 and RGS10 could be detected in chondrogenic progenitor cells (CPCs) and in cartilage samples from knees which had been removed during TEP implantation in the ... -
Die DDR-1-knockout-Maus – ein neues Tiermodell für Osteoarthritis im Kiefergelenk
(2019-05-29)Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis is a not yet fully understood disease, although many patients are affected by it. For the investigation of the molecular biological and pathophysiological foundations leading to the ... -
Der immunhistochemische Nachweis von SMURF1 und SMURF2 im humanen osteoarthritischen Knorpel und Meniskus
(2018-10-29)Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease whose pathogenesis is still not fully understood. The study of signaling pathways in cartilage tissue and meniscus tissue, such as the transforming growth factor beta ... -
Funktionen von SMURF1 und SMURF2 in der Differenzierung von chondrogenen Progenitorzellen
(2018-07-09)OA is a degenerative joint disease which is characterized by an increasing loss of joint cartilage. Within this degenerative process OA does not exclusively describe the pathological change of cartilage but rather the ... -
Gewinnung und Charakterisierung von osteoblastären Zellen aus dem humanen Alveolarknochen
(2018-05-14)Osteoblasts represent one of the most important cell groups for bone forming as well as bone structuring and involve essentialy, together with osteoclasts and osteocytes, in the bone metabolism. Their main task, the secretion ... -
Gewinnung und Charakterisierung von humanen Zementoblasten
(2018-05-14)Root cementum represents one of the crucial prerequisites for an intact fixation in the tooth's osseous socket, the alveole. Healthy cementum and its self-repair mechanisms are furthermore vital to a sound parodontium and ... -
Untersuchungen zu Herkunft und Migrationsverhalten von chondrogenen Progenitorzellen in den späten Stadien der Osteoarthrose
(2018-03-23)This work deals with the potential origin of chondrogenic progenitor cells (CPCs) from pericytes and mesenchymal stems cells. In addition this study examines the migration behaviour of CPCs in relation to selected ... -
μCT-Untersuchung sowie histologische Auswertung zur Knochendichte- und -dickenmessung der subchondralen Kompakta bei Osteoarthrose des Menschen
(2017-11-15)GOAL The aim of this in-vitro study was the μCT based determination of subchondral solid bone thickness and its degree of mineralization in specimens of knees resected in reconstructional orthopaedic surgery from human ... -
Die Rolle desTGF-ß-Rezeptors Typ I bei der Überexpression von Smurf1 und Smurf2 in chondrogenen Progenitorzellen
(2017-09-26)The TGF-ß signaling pathway including all its individual components appears to play a significant and unique role in CPCs as well as during the development and progression of osteoarthrosis. The path of signal transmission ... -
Bestimmung der Quantität der mRNA ausgewählter Proteine der extrazellulären Matrix des Alveolarknochens mithilfe der real-time RT-PCR
(2017-07-12)The objective is to determine the mRNA quantity of selected proteins of the extracellular matrix in the alveolar bone with the help of real-time RT-PCR. The proteins were selected because of their involvement in remodeling ...