Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Psychogios, Marios-Nikos Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Standardisierte Zeitintervalle im Management von Patienten mit akutem ischämischen Schlaganfall: prognostische und prädiktive Bedeutung
(2024-02-05)Background: The importance of efficient stroke time management on the clinical outcome of thrombectomized patients has been demonstrated by numerous controlled randomized trials (RCT). Although time is an important predictor ... -
Retrospektive und Core-Lab basierte Evaluation der SAVE-Technik bei endovaskulär behandelten SchlaganfallpatientInnen
(2022-05-12)In this multicenter retrospective study, a total of 200 patients were included who underwent an embolectomy using the “Stentretriever Assisted Vacuum-locked Extraction” (SAVE) technique between November 2015 and January ... -
Vergleich der neuen Generation der Flachdetektor CT (FDCT) mit der Multidetektor CT (MDCT) bezüglich der Detektion von ischämischen und hämorrhagischen intrakraniellen Läsionen
(2021-11-09)Background and purpose: Flat detector CT (FDCT) has been used as a peri-interventional diagnostic tool in numerous studies with mixed results regarding image quality and detection of intracranial lesions. We compared the ... -
Vergleich unterschiedlicher Methoden zur Evaluation des Kollateralisierungsstatus als Prädiktor für das Ergebnis nach Thrombektomie
(2021-08-10)Collateral status is an important factor determining outcome in acute ischemic stroke. Hence, different collateral scoring systems have been introduced. We applied different scoring systems on single- and multi-phase ... -
Wert des CBV-ASPECTS im Vergleich zum CTA-ASPECTS bei Patienten mit akutem ischämischem Schlaganfall
(2020-11-27)Objectives CTP images analyzed with the Alberta stroke program early CT scale (ASPECTS) have been shown to be optimal predictors of clinical outcome. In this study we compared two biomarkers, the cerebral blood volume ...