Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Pukrop, Tobias PD Dr."
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Wnt-Genexpression im Mammakarzinommodell und in Tumor-assoziierten Makrophagen
(2013-09-27)The interaction between tumor and stromal cells plays an important role regarding tumor progression, invasivness and metastatic spread of solid tumors like breast cancer. Coculture experiments with MCF-7 breast cancer cells ... -
Die Rolle der residenten monozytären Zellen sowie Tumorzell-spezifischer Faktoren bei der Metastasierung des Mammakarzinoms
(2013-09-05)Metastasis is the leading cause of cancer death and marks the turning point of cancer diseases where cure is rarely possible. Searching for new therapy approaches to prevent metastasis, an important finding was the ... -
Effects of Wnt and different TLR stimulations on microglia-induced invasion of breast cancer cells
(2012-10-31)The role of the benign microenvironment in the primary tumor has recently come into focus. In particular, research has shown that blood-derived macrophages may support tumor progression. By contrast, the role of resident ...