Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Rickmann, Michael PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung der Veränderungen von chromaffinen Zellen des Nebennierenmarks von Vti1a/Vti1b-Doppel-Knockout-Mäusen
(2013-03-13)Electron microscopic examination of the changes of chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla of Vti1a/Vti1b-double-knockout-mice -
Untersuchung der Schwann-Zell-Migarion und -Proliferation im peripheren sympathischen Nervensystem der Maus
(2011-10-27)Schwann cells are glial cells of the peripheral nervous system which are responsible for the myelination of nerve axons taking on a nutrimental function at the same time. The expansion of ... -
Morphologische Veränderungen im Nucleus nervi facialis und im Motorkortex adulter Ratten nach Durchtrennung des Nervus facialis
(2011-10-19)The results of this study provide an insight into reorganization processes of nerve cell groups within the central nervous system (cortex) after peripheral Fazialisaxotomie in the rat. In ... -
Postnatale Gliogenese und Synaptogenese im somatosensorichen Coex der Maus
(2011-10-19)The present experimental work is based on an electron microscopic examination of brain tissue that was removed from postnatal mice at a specified time sequence. A special role has the ...