Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Schatlo, Bawarjan PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Wirbelsäulenmetastasen – Studie zur Inzidenz neurologischer Defizite mit und ohne vorbekannten Primärtumor
(2023-05-31)Spinal metastases are present in up to 10% of patients with malignancies. In patients who present with metastases in the spine, about one fifth have not previously had a known primary tumour. We took these two elements as ... -
Analyse der intrakraniellen Druckmessung mittels implantierbarer Telemetrie-Sonden bei Patienten mit Hydrozephalus oder idiopathischer intrakranieller Hypertension
(2022-04-04)Background: In some patients with hydrocephalus or idiopathic intracranial hypertension, symptoms continue after shunt operation. In these cases, elevated or lowered intracranial pressure (ICP) can be handled with adjustments ... -
Wundheilungsraten nach Roboter-assistierter minimalinvasiver Pedikelschraubenosteosynthese im Vergleich zu konventioneller fluoroskopisch-gestützter Instrumentierung bei pyogener Spondylodiszitis.
(2019-09-19)Postoperative wound healing can pose a problem in patients undergoing instrumented surgery for pyogenic spondylodiscitis. Robotic guidance allows the minimally invasive placement of pedicle screws in the thoracolumbar ... -
Extendierte adjuvante Chemotherapie mit Temozolomid in der Behandlung maligner Gliome - Eine retrospektive Datenanalyse zur Wirksamkeit und Hämatotoxizität im klinischen Alltag
(2018-09-03)To receive a control over the efficiency as well as the compatibility of an extended temozolomide therapy, a retrospective analysis of data has been conducted in the context of this research. The data has been obtained out ... -
Anisokorie im Schockraum – Prognosefaktoren für das klinische Outcome
(2017-04-04)Objective: Patients showing anisocoria due to head trauma (HT) or spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage (SIH) require immediate evaluation and neurosurgical intervention. This study is focused on the prognosis and adverse ...