Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Zeisberg, Elisabeth Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Methylated circulating DNA as a biomarker for cardiac fibrosis progression and mortality in aortic stenosis patients
(2024-07-15)Aortic stenosis is one of the most common cardiac diseases in the elderly and leads to cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis, and consecutively to heart failure. Currently, there is no causal treatment available instead of ... -
Evaluation of the antifibrotic potential of Serelaxin in two experimental models of cardiac fibrogenesis
(2023-08-28)This study is based on the finding that Relaxin was identified in Rln1 gene knockout mice as a naturally occurring regulator of collagen turnover in the heart (Du et al. 2003). Additionally, in a model of spontaneously ... -
Hypermethylierte DNA als Biomarker für Herz- und Nierenerkrankungen
(2023-06-28)Chronic kidney diseases are an increasing medical challenge. Based on the pathophysiology of fibrogenesis, the progression of chronic kidney disease is often characterised by excessive fibroblast activation and parenchymal ... -
Die Rolle von Gse1 in der embryonalen Hämatopoese der Maus
(2021-07-27)Objective: To investigate a possible involvement of the gene KIAA0182 in the pathogenesis of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), a knockout mouse was generated for previous studies using the knockout-first strategy for ... -
Characterization of the cardiogenesis in embryos of a Gse-1tm-1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi mouse line
(2021-07-16)HLHS is classified as a cyanotic heart disease, which accounts for 25% of all CHD mortalities. It is the leading cause of death in infants under the age of one year. One human candidate gene called KIAA00182 (Gse-1 in mice) ... -
Epigenetische Suppression von RASAL1 und ATP2A2 als Biomarker und Therapieansatz bei kardialer Fibrogenese
(2020-07-10)Chronic heart diseas constitutes a growing medical challenge on a global scale. It is associated with cardiac fibrosis - the accumulation of extracellular matrix produced by persistently activated fibroblasts. Epigenetic ... -
Etablierung von zirkulierenden DNA-Fragmenten als Biomarker für die klinische Progression einer Herzinsuffizienz mit erhaltener Ejektionsfraktion
(2020-02-21)Chronic heart disease is associated with abberant CpG promoter methylation, mechanistically involved cardiac fibrogenesis. Aberant CpG promoter methylation is equally reflected in corresponding blood samples („liquid ... -
Sekundärprävention und stationärer Verlauf von Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung zwei Jahre nach stationärer Anschlussheilbehandlung
(2018-10-18)BACKGROUND The recently published EUROASPIRE IV study demonstrated that a large majority of coronary patients do not achieve the guideline standards for secondary prevention. High prevalences of persistent smoking, unhealthy ... -
‘Knockout-first’ mouse model as a biological tool to study the role of KIAA0182 gene in hypoplastic left heart syndrome
(2016-03-08)Objective: Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is one of the most severe congenital heart diseases. The genetic etiology for this syndrome was strongly suggested by several previous studies, and a lot of genes were ...