Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Christiansen, Hans Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Strahleninduzierte Expression von pro-inflammatorischen Zytokinen nach selektiver Ganzleberbestrahlung in vivo (Ratte)
(2017-11-29)Due to interdisciplinary multimodal oncological therapy concepts radiotherapy becomes more and more important in the treatment of primary and secondary liver tumors as well as in other malignant tumors of the epigastric ... -
Inzidenz von Zweittumoren bei Patienten mit zuvor kurativ behandeltem Tumor im Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Bereich - eine prospektive Analyse
(2012-05-16)Patients treated previously for a head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) carry a high-risk for second malignant tumors, particularly for other head and neck tumors, lung cancer and esophageal cancer. The main risk ... -
Höhergradige Akutreaktionen als prognostischer Marker bei der primären Radiochemotherapie von Analkarzinomen - Eine retrospektive Analyse
(2012-04-27)Treatment of anal carcinoma is accompanied by varying severity of side effects. This dissertation surveys a potential correlation between the severity of acute organ toxicity during radiochemotherapy and the prognosis ... -
Darmschädigung durch Photonen-Strahlung nach Einzeitbestrahlung der Leber
(2012-01-13)[Introduction] Ionizing radiation is routinely used in the treatment of malign tumors. Unfortunately, radiation injury of non-tumoral tissue may be the consequence. Previous ... -
Vergleich von Mikronukleus- und Chromosomenaberrationstechnik bei der Dokumentation zytogenetischer Schäden in neoadjuvant radio-chemotherapierten Rektumkarzinompatienten
(2011-03-11)Radio- and chemotherapy cause DNA strand breaks that can be detected in peripheral blood by isolating and cultivating lymphocytes. The micronucleus test as well as the chromosome aberration ... -
Operieren oder Beobachten des Halses nach laserchirurgischer Resektion von Malignomen des oberen Aerodigestivtrakts mit N0-Hals
(2011-01-19)Introduction: Different opinions exist for appropriate management of the clinically N0-neck in Cancer of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract (UADT). As neck-dissections (ND) can result in significant ...