Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Hülsmann, Swen Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Erhalt des Restgehörs nach Insertionstrauma der Cochlea durch Applikation von Etanercept in die Scala tympani des Meerschweinchens
(2024-09-04)Objective: Cochlear implantation trauma causes both macroscopic and inflammatory trauma. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the TNF-alpha inhibitor etanercept applied after cochlear implantation ... -
Die Verteilung von VIP-exprimierenden Interneuronen im desorganisierten Kortex der Reeler-Maus
(2022-10-28)Inhibitory GABAergic interneurons are clearly outnumbered by excitatory neurons in the neocortex of mice, and amount to 15–20 % (Staiger et al. 2015b). Only about 12–17 % of these GABAergic neurons express the vasoactive ... -
GABA(b)-Rezeptor-vermittelte Modulation an Martinotti-Zellen im primär somatosensorischen (Barrel-)Kortex der Maus
(2022-03-31)Under physiological conditions the brain is subject to continuous remodelling processes. In this case exizitation und inhibitation - and especially their balance - are important factors. Neuronal plasticity makes the brain ... -
Nachweis der Expression metabotroper GABAB-Rezeptoren in GABAergen Interneuronen des somatosensorischen Kortex mittels Immunhistochemie
(2021-10-01)In the cerebral cortex, different groups of neurons can be distinguished based on their mode of action. On the one hand, there are the excitatory neurons, which make up the majority (70-80 %) of neurons. The remaining 20-30 ... -
Die Effekte des Wlds-Gens und der Gabe von Nikotinamid auf akute und chronisch-sekundäre Axon-Degeneration
(2021-07-21)Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is the most common inherited neuropathy and a duplication of the peripheral myelin protein of 22 kDa (PMP22) gene causes the most frequent subform CMT1A. Clinical impairments are determined ... -
Therapie der Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Krankheit bei Ratten mittels einer phospholipidreichen Ernährung
(2021-06-22)Among the hereditary neuropathies, CMT occurs most frequently with a prevalence of approximately 4 per 10,000, the largest subtype being CMT1A, which is classified as a demyelinating polyneuropathy. In view of the comparatively ... -
Elektrophysiologische Charakterisierung von GABA-Rezeptor-vermittelter Inhibition an Martinotti-Zellen der Schicht 5 im Barrel-Kortex
(2020-12-10)Martinotti cells (MC) belong to the subgroup of somatostatin-expressing GABAergic interneurons. They are an important component of cortical circuits and are involved in both lateral inhibition and disinhibition of principal ... -
The effect of apomorphine on anodal tDCS-induced cortical plasticity in the human motor cortex
(2018-11-05)The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of apomorphine on non-focal anodal tDCS-induced plasticity and thus further examine the influence of the dopaminergic system on motor cortex plasticity in humans. In a randomized ... -
Schichtenspezifische Charakterisierung Somatostatin-exprimierender Interneurone in der GIN- und SOMcre/tdTomato-Maus mittels neurochemischer Marker im primären somatosensorischen Barrel-Kortex
(2018-11-02)Inhibitory GABAergic interneurons count about 20-30% of all cortical neurons which can be distinguished by their molecular, morphological and electrophysiological characteristics (Ascoli et al., 2008, Markram et al., 2004). ... -
Elektrophysiologische Charakterisierung GABA-Rezeptoren vermittelter Inhibition an Martinotti-Zellen im somatosensorischen Kortex
(2018-01-17)The processing of tactile information in the somatosensory cortex is currently not well understood. However, it is assumed that inhibitory interneurons play a key role in this process. When GABAergic neurons do not function ... -
Der Einfluss von lumbalen Rückenschmerzen auf das somatosensorische Nervensystem, die muskuläre Aktivität und das Bewegungsverhalten während dynamischer und sich wiederholender Hebebelastung
(2017-02-14)This study investigated changes in mechanical pain sensitivity (MPS) and pressure pain thresholds (PPT) across the lower back as well as changes in the distribution of lumbar erector spinae muscle activity and biomechanical ... -
Untersuchung der Effekte von transkutanem spinalem Gleichstrom (tsDCS) bei Patienten mit idiopathischem Restless-Legs-Syndrom
(2016-04-01)Background: Several studies indicate an increased spinal excitability in patients with idiopathic restless legs syndrome (RLS). Transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation (tsDCS) is a non-invasive tool which can ... -
Exzitabilitätsuntersuchungen von Motoneuronen an Patienten mit benignem Faszikulations-Crampus-Syndrom und die Funktion von HCN-Kanälen
(2016-02-02)Background: The mechanisms responsible for the benign cramp fasciculation syndrome (BFCS) are still not clarified. For the first time threshold tracking was performed on a bigger amount of BFCS patients. Methods: Threshold ... -
Analyse der optimalen Stimulationstemperatur zur Messung der Schmerztoleranz
(2013-07-15)Especially in pain research plays a recording of pain tolerance thresholds a major role. The aim of our study was was to develop the ideal temperature stimulationof measurement of pain tolerance. These methods have in ... -
Intraokularlinse Acri. Lyc 59 RET® mit unveränderter Brechkraft bei Silikonöltamponade
(2011-06-16)Silicone oil tamponade is used in vitreous surgery for different ophthalmic diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy and proliferative vitreoretinopathy. An unwanted side effect of silicone ... -
Elektrophysiologische Untersuchung der synaptischen Übertragung und Kurzzeitplastizität an der neuromuskulären Synapse von Drosophila melanogaster
(2011-04-07)The larval neuromuscular junction of Drosophila melanogaster is a well- established model system to study synaptic functions. In the present study, the role of Glutamate receptor subunits ...