Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Lotz, Joachim Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Evaluation des Einflusses einer Beckenfraktur auf klinische Parameter und das Outcome Schwerverletzter eines überregionalen Traumazentrums
(2025-02-06)The prevalence of pelvic fractures has remained constant at 3–8% over the years. Despite continuous advancements in medicine and a general reduction in trauma-related mortality, pelvic ring fractures are often associated ... -
Reduktion der Gesamtbiopsieanzahl und Verbesserung der Tumordetektionsrate in der MRT/TRUS-Fusionsbiopsie der Prostata unter Verwendung eines optimierten Computeralgorithmus
(2023-06-28)Prostate carcinoma is the most frequently diagnosed male carcinoma in Germany. For patients, it is crucial to detect clinically significant malignancies. Here, the prostate biopsy is the method of choice. The aim of this ... -
CT-Analyse zur Erfassung morphologischer Veränderungen des Hüftgelenks im Erwachsenenalter bei 1000 Patienten
(2021-05-11)The aim of the present doctoral thesis was to collect numerous hip morphological parameters in a primarily asymptomatic patient collective. This should enable a descriptive statement about possible changes in hip morphology ... -
Evaluation eines Echtzeit-Verfahrens in der kardialen Magnetresonanztomographie zur Quantifizierung von Aortenklappenstenosen
(2021-03-26)This study aims to evaluate a novel real-time phase-contrast magnetic resonance flow imaging technique for the assessment of blood flow in patients with aortic stenosis in context to standard phase-contrast cine MRI, 4D ... -
Freisetzung des Röntgenkontrastmittels Zirkoniumdioxid an der implantatzugewandten Seite von PMMA-Zementköchern - REM-Analyse und -Charakterisierung bei zementierten Hüftendoprothesenschäften vom Typ CF-30
(2020-08-11)Aseptic loosening is the main reason for the failure of hip endoprostheses. Since a strong increase in joint replacement operations is expected due to demographic change, it is important to design the prosthesis systems ... -
Prädiktoren der linksatrialen Thromben und Spontanechokontrastierung bei Patienten mit Vorhofflimmern vor geplanter Kardioversion – Eine monozentrische Erfahrung – eine systematische Analyse
(2018-01-08)Background. It is known that atrial fibrillation is associated with a higher risk for embolic events. Left atrial appendage thombi and spontaneous echocardiographic contrast (SEC) are known to positively correlate with ... -
Evaluation eines Echtzeit-Verfahrens zur quantitativen Flussmessung in der kardialen Magnetresonanztomographie
(2016-04-01)The objective of the present work was to evaluate a novel real-time phase-contrast flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique for the assessment of cardiovascular flow. Real-time flow is based on a highly undersampled ... -
Beinschwellungen nach inguinaler Lymphknotenchirurgie - Eine multimodale Untersuchung zu Prävalenz und Einflussfaktoren
(2012-10-09)Background: Melanomas located at the leg mostly metastasize to the inguinal lymph nodes. Therefore their therapy may include inguinal sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNE) and/or inguinal lymph node dissection (CLND). Risk ... -
Auswirkungen einer akuten, intrakraniellen Druckerhöhung auf die computertomographisch bestimmte Lungenparenchymdichte und das extravaskuläre Lungenwasser in gesunden und geschädigten Schweinelungen
(2012-02-02)To determine reciprocal and synergistic effects of acute intracranial hypertension and ARDS on pulmonary density and extravascular lung water in healthy and injured lungs. Twenty-eight ... -
Die komplizierte Nierenzyste
(2010-11-10)Background: The differentiation of cystic renal masses between benign lesions and cystic renal cell carcinoma (RCC) represents a frequent clinical problem. Despite the use of sophisticated ...