Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Schatlo, Bawarjan PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Weitwinkel-Angiographie-Bildgebung zur Detektion von Ischämien bei Retinalen Venenverschlüssen
(2024-02-21)Retinal vein occlusions (RVO) are a relatively common and clinically relevant ophthalmological condition with numerous potential complications. Since diagnosis using fluorescein angiography (FAG) imaging, particularly the ... -
Wirbelsäulenmetastasen – Studie zur Inzidenz neurologischer Defizite mit und ohne vorbekannten Primärtumor
(2023-05-31)Spinal metastases are present in up to 10% of patients with malignancies. In patients who present with metastases in the spine, about one fifth have not previously had a known primary tumour. We took these two elements as ... -
Gastrointestinale Motilität und infektiologischer Verlauf bei polytraumatisierten Patienten mit und ohne Schädel-Hirn-Trauma
(2021-09-09)Retrospective analysis if gastrointestinal dysfunction in polytrauma patients increases the risk of sepsis. The medical records of 100 polytrauma patients (ISS ≥ 16, lying on ICU between 2010 and 2014) have been searched ... -
Therapieeffizienz und -sicherheit der simultanen Radiochemotherapie bei hochgradigen Gliomen des Kindesalters: Vergleich zwischen Temozolomid- und Cisplatin-basierten Chemotherapieregimes
(2021-07-27)A retrospective data analysis of a total of 575 children and adolescents from the HIT-GBM-C / D study and the HIT-HGG 2007 study with highly malignant gliomas was carried out. The two simultaneous chemotherapy regimen were ... -
Wundheilungsraten nach Roboter-assistierter minimalinvasiver Pedikelschraubenosteosynthese im Vergleich zu konventioneller fluoroskopisch-gestützter Instrumentierung bei pyogener Spondylodiszitis.
(2019-09-19)Postoperative wound healing can pose a problem in patients undergoing instrumented surgery for pyogenic spondylodiscitis. Robotic guidance allows the minimally invasive placement of pedicle screws in the thoracolumbar ... -
Anisokorie im Schockraum – Prognosefaktoren für das klinische Outcome
(2017-04-04)Objective: Patients showing anisocoria due to head trauma (HT) or spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage (SIH) require immediate evaluation and neurosurgical intervention. This study is focused on the prognosis and adverse ... -
Anwendbarkeit des Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) anhand multimodaler CT-Bildgebung in der Schlaganfallfrühdiagnostik und dessen Fähigkeit zur Vorhersage des klinischen Behandlungsergebnisses für Patienten, welche durch Thrombusextraktion durch Aspiration behandelt werden.
(2016-12-14)Ischaemic stroke is a severe incident which requires quick vessel recanalisation. To achieve this, several therapeutic approaches exist. Quick image based patient selection for individual therapeutic decisions is crucial ... -
Tiefe Hirnstimulation des Nucleus subthalamicus: Die Rolle der intraoperativen Makrostimulation in Bezug auf präoperative Planung und postoperatives motorisches / nichtmotorisches Outcome
(2016-06-23)Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of subthalamic nucleus (STN) is effective to treat symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Determining the optimal target point a specification based on microelectrode recording (MER) and macrostimulation ...