Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Weiser, Lukas PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Spondylodeseraten nach Wirbelfrakturen unter Verwendung autologer Beckenkammspäne
(2024-05-29)Spinal injuries are becoming increasingly important. Autologous iliac crest chips are often used for ventral stabilisation, but are controversial with regard to the resulting morbidity. The aim of this study was to evaluate ... -
Radiologische Evaluation der anatomischen Möglichkeit zur Implantation von Pedikelschrauben im Bereich des kraniozervikalen Übergangs sowie der oberen Halswirbelsäule
(2023-08-21)Instabilities of the craniocervical junction and the upper cervical spine may require dorsal stabilization of the spine to prevent neurological complications. We aimed to analyze the number of patients in which pedicle ... -
Analysis of the results of traumatic vertebral fractures in the thoracic and lumbar region classified as A3-fractures according to Magerl, supplied by combination of percutaneous posterior transpedicular osteosynthesis and balloon kyphoplasty
(2023-05-22)Kyphoplasty and osteosynthesis is very safe in the treatment of vertebral body fractures. Our study analysed the results of 48 patients with acute vertebral body fractures of lumbar or thoracic spine classified as A3 ... -
Zeitbedarf für die präklinische Ganzkörperimmobilisation bei Schwerverletzten
(2022-11-24)Background: Spinal stabilisation is recommended for prehospital trauma treatment. In Germany, vacuum mattresses are traditionally used for spinal stabilisation, whereas in anglo-american countries, long spine boards are ... -
Frakturrisikoevaluation mithilfe verschiedener nationaler und internationaler Risikoscores bei Männern
(2020-08-03)Different national and international scores are in use to evaluate the osteoporotic fracture probability in men. The DVO-Score is mainly established in Germany and calculates the 10-year-fracture probability, whereas the ...