Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Großhans, Jörg Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Role of N-glycosylation for the function of E-cadherin in tissue morphogenesis
(2022-12-14)E-cadherin is central to the formation, stabilization, and maturation of adherens junctions, which serve to physically link epithelial cells and transmit mechanical pulling forces from the outside to the actomyosin cortex ... -
Biochemical Analysis of Slam – a polarity protein during early Drosophila embryogenesis
(2021-09-23)Slow as molasses (slam) is a gene essential for embryonic development of Drosophila. Slam is necessary for the formation and ingression of the plasma membrane and its polarisation, i.e. the formation of the basal cortical ... -
Cortical patterning in syncytial embryos: the link between microtubules and actin cortex
(2020-01-20)Abstract Spatial and temporal regulation of cortical proteins on the cell membrane leads to cortical polarization of cells. After cortical polarization, the cell membrane can divide into different domains such as apical ... -
Regulation and function of actin nucleators Dia and FMNL in the early Drosophila embryo
(2018-11-19)The formation of the subapical domain during cellularization in Drosophila embryogenesis is mediated by a pathway including the proteins Rap1, Canoe and their downstream effectors Bazooka and Armadillo. The cortical domain ... -
Dynamics of cell contacts during cell intercalation in epithelial tissue elongation of Drosophila embryos
(2017-11-22)Cell rearrangement is one of the fundamental mechanisms underlying tissue morphogenesis. In epithelial tissues, cells rearrange without losing their tight neighbor interactions by junction remodeling according to a topological ... -
Role of Protein phosphatase V in Cell Cycle Control
(2017-08-28)The cell cycle mode is variant among different cell and tissue types and is remodeled during development. This change between modes is referred as cell cycle switch or remodeling. In Drosophila melanogaster, the canonical ... -
Control of E-cadherin Function in Cell Intercalation by ER Glucosylation Enzymes
(2012-11-05)Three consecutive glucosylations are the last steps in formation of the dolichol-PP-glycans before the glycans are transferred to nascent proteins in the ER. These three glucosyl residues are assumed to function in protein ...