Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Mühlenberg, Michael Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Mangrove crabs diversity as bio-indicator for the ecology of mangrove ecosystem at Gam Bay-Sawinggrai Research Station, Raja Ampat, Papua
(2020-09-02)This study about mangrove crabs diversity as bio-indicator for the ecology of mangrove ecosystems was established at Gam Bay-Sawinggrai Research Station, Raja Ampat, Papua, from 2th May- 11 June 2011. In order to indentify ... -
Untersuchung der Lebensraumansprüche des Grauspechts Picus canus und seiner Verbreitungsgrenze in Niedersachsen
(2018-06-11)The grey-headed woodpecker (Picus canus) is a semi-frequent species distributed worldwide from West France over Central Europe and East Russia up to Japan and Sumatra. The populated habitats vary and comprise boundary-abundant ... -
Bewertung der Erfassungswahrscheinlichkeit für globales Biodiversitäts-Monitoring: Ergebnisse von Sampling GRIDs aus unterschiedlichen klimatischen Regionen
(2015-03-25)This thesis provides important input for the development of a cost-effective global biodiversity assessment and monitoring system. The study is embedded in a larger project to evaluate possibilities of multiple-species ... -
Indigenous Knowledge, morphological variation and genetic diversity of Kava (Piper methysticum Forst.) in Merauke, Papua, Indonesia
(2014-05-16)Papua Province harbors a very rich biodiversity yet to be discovered entirely for research. Various plants serve as a drug and are traditionally used by the community. The Marind tribe is located in the district of Merauke ... -
The impact of hunting on Victoria crowned pigeon (Goura victoria:Columbidae) in the rainforests of Northern Papua, Indonesia
(2013-11-20)Victoria crowned pigeon (Goura victoria) is an endemic bird and has been declared as protected species by Indonesian Government under Law Act No. 301/1991. This species with two other species of Goura (crowned pigeon) are ... -
Der Rotmilan (Milvus milvus) im Unteren Eichsfeld.
(2013-11-19)In the present study were examined population density, habitat use and composition, young bird rearing, food and predation on Red Kite (Milvus milvus). Essential questions were how stable is the stock in the area and what ... -
The Ecology of the Red Rainbowfish (Glossolepis incisus) and the Impact of Human Activities on Its Habitats in Lake Sentani, Papua
(2013-10-04)Summary Located in the western half of New Guinea, Papua is facing rapid and poorly-planned social and economic development, increasing habitat degradation and threatening its high level of species richness and endemicity. ... -
Niche differentiation of two sympatric colobines, Simias concolor and Presbytis potenziani on the Mentawai Island of Siberut, Indonesia
(2012-12-17)Colobines or leaf eating monkeys are characterized by a specialized digestive system and hence, rather specialized dietary requirements. Therefore, the resulting competition over suitable food would favor a parapatric ... -
Fire and stand dynamics in different forest types of the West Khentey Mountains, Mongolia
(2011-11-24)This research focused on the reconstruction of historical fire regimes, structure and dynamic patterns of different types of forests, specifically to examine present tree species composition, ... -
Analyse des Vorkommens, der Morphologie und der genetischen Diversität von Biologischen Bodenkrusten extrazonaler Gebirgssteppenstandorte der nördlichen Mongolei
(2011-08-18)At extrazonal mountain steppe sites in the western Khentej in Northern Mongolia there was to be explored the appearance, the morphology and the genetic diversity of Biological Soil Crusts. ... -
Diversität und Ökologie holzbewohnender Pilze in Khonin Nuga, Westkhentey, Mongolei
(2009-09-17)The present work deals first with diversity and ecology of wood-inhabiting fungi of Mongolia. The study area Khonin Nuga is located in the West Khentey region of Northern Mongolia, which ... -
The conservation biology of the leopard (Panthera pardus)in Gabon
(2009-06-23)The leopard (Panthera pardus) has the greatest geographic distribution of the wild cats, and is the most abundant large felid in Africa. Tropical rainforests comprise a large part of ... -
Diversity and Habitat Selection of Papilionidae in a Protected Forest Reserve in Assam, Northeast India
(2008-02-19)The habitat association by forest type and distribution pattern, seasonal abundance, correlation between mean abundance and geographic range and the feeding guild and indicator properties of swallowtail butterflies ... -
Conservation Value of Logging Concession Areas in the Tropical Rainforest of the Korup Region, Southwest Cameroon
(2008-02-11)Tropical rainforests are home for renewable natural resources for living and non living things. The dynamic and interdependent nature of tropical rainforest components make it a fragile ... -
Butterfly communities in the natural landscape of West Khentej, northern Mongolia: diversity and conservation value
(2006-01-16)This thesis provides an insight into the natural history of butterfly species which are found in the West Khentej mountains of northern Mongolia. The study area is located in the transition ... -
Tree cavity abundance and nest site selection of cavity nesting birds in a natural boreal forest of West Khentey, Mongolia
(2005-07-25)Due to their close association with trees and cavities, cavity-nesting birds (CNBs) are highly sensitive to the alteration of forest structure. Therefore they are considered as indicators ... -
Mammal conservation status and prospects for community-based wildlife management in coastal Guinea-Bissau, West Africa
(2005-07-12)In Guinea-Bissau, wildlife species in general and mammals in particular are suffering increasing pressure, mainly from overhunting and habitat reduction and fragmentation. The lack of ... -
Vogelnest-Prädation in Waldrandgebieten in Lore Lindu National Park, Zentral Sulawesi, Indonesien
(2004-01-05)Forest destruction and habitat alteration in Sulawesi rainforest which mainly caused by anthropogenic disturbances may generate significant areas of forest margin habitats and large sizes ... -
Structure and diversity of cloud forest bird communities in Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, and implications for conservation.
(2003-12-10)In a 102 ha study plot in the Sierra Yalijux, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala (90° 03 W, 15° 22 N, 1980 2550 m) the bird community was observed with standardized mark-recapture and transect ... -
Vom Aussterben bedroht oder anpassungsfähig? - Der Koboldmaki <i>Tarsius dianae</i> in den Regenwäldern Sulawesis
(2003-05-22)The major goal of this study was to evaluate the adaptability of Sulawesi tarsiers Tarsius dianae to anthropogenic disturbance of their habitat and to assess future prospects of the species. ...