Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Kessler, Michael Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Epiphyte diversity and microclimate of the tropical lowland cloud forest in French Guiana
(2013-11-06)Lowland cloud forests are well known from temperate regions, e.g. the coasts of California and northern Chile (Bruijnzeel 2001), but in the Tropics have remained uninvestigated. We tested the hypothesis that tropical ... -
Unraveling the causal links between ecosystem productivity measures and species richness using terrestrial ferns in Ecuador
(2013-03-14)This work focuses on the relationship between terrestrial fern species richness and productivity, and on the fern nutrient availability along a tropical elevational gradient in Ecuador. During three yearly field phases ... -
Late Quaternary landscape dynamics in the Podocarpus National Park region in the southeastern Andes of Ecuador
(2010-09-22)The southeastern Ecuadorian Andes belong to the tropical eastern Andes and represent one of the global centers of vascular plant diversity. They are one of the most biodiverse regions ... -
Epiphytic bryophytes in natural forests and cacao agroforests of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
(2009-06-29)This dissertation consists of several studies on the epiphytic bryophyte flora in natural forest sites and shaded cacao agroforests in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Agroforests can harbor ... -
Effects of human disturbance on epiphyte assemblages in the Andes of Ecuador
(2009-03-04)The present dissertation aims at contributing to our understanding of the processes that determine epiphyte diversity in anthropogenic landscapes. At a dry forest site, epiphytic ... -
Elevation Effects on Key Processes of Carbon Cycling in South Ecuadorian Mountain Forests
(2008-12-02)This study on forests in South Ecuador aims at filling some of the great gaps of knowledge on the carbon cycling in mountain rainforests at elevations between 1000 and 3000 m. Special ... -
Carbon release from woody parts of trees along an elevation gradient in a tropical montane moist forest of Southern Ecuador
(2008-08-11)Tropical montane forests (TMF), which account for 21.2% of tropical forests worldwide, are among the least studied ecosystems with respect to their C balance. The present study aimed to ... -
Conservation Value of Logging Concession Areas in the Tropical Rainforest of the Korup Region, Southwest Cameroon
(2008-02-11)Tropical rainforests are home for renewable natural resources for living and non living things. The dynamic and interdependent nature of tropical rainforest components make it a fragile ... -
Taxonomic revision of the genus <Sticherus> (Gleicheniaceae - Pteridophyta) in the Neotropics
(2003-11-24)Sticherus (Gleicheniaceae, Pteridophyta) is a pantropical genus of about 95 species, characterized by dormant buds with scales, 1-forked veinlets in the segments, (2)3-5(7) sporangia per sorus, and pinnatifid or pinnate ...