Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Klopfenstein, Dieter Dr."
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Characterization of the neuronal proteolipids M6A and M6B and the oligodendroglial tetraspans PLP and TSPAN2 in neural cell process formation
(2012-07-12)The tetraspan-transmembrane proteins of the M6-proteolipid proteolipid protein family are among the most abundant cell surface proteins in neurons. Their cellular function has remained largely speculative, also because ... -
Impact of specific long chain acyl CoA synthetases on plant development
(2012-06-18)Fatty acids are essential components of cellular life. However, in their natural form they cannot enter metabolism but in fact they need enzymatic activation by coenzyme A to become metabolically accessible. One enzyme ... -
Generation of Novel Photochromic GFPs: Fluorescent Probes for RESOLFT-type Microscopy at Low Light Intensities
(2012-05-23)The resolution of a conventional light microscope is limited by diffraction. Hence, light microscopy failed to discern objects that are closer together than half the wavelength of light. STED (STimulated Emission ... -
Regulation of Kinesin-3 activity by active zone protein SYD-2
(2011-12-12)This work focusses on characterizing the effect of SYD-2/kinesin interaction on the motility and mechanochemical properties of UNC-104 motor. The motility properties of molecular motors can ... -
The PI5P 4-kinase ortholog PPK-2 of Caenorhabditis elegans acts in synaptic transmission and neuronal membrane trafficking
(2010-06-28)Synaptic transmission relies on the tightly regulated membrane transport between the neuronal cell body and the nerve terminal. Important regulators of membrane trafficking in neurons as ...