Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Lohaus, Gertru PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Nutzung molekularer Hochdurchsatz-Verfahren zur schnellen und eingehenden Artenbestimmung von Pilzgesellschaften
(2009-09-15)In forest ecosystems, fungal communities are highly diverse since several environmental factors influence their richness and structure. Host plant composition is one of the major factors, ... -
Fettsäuretransport in die peroxisomale Matrix von <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>
(2007-08-15)Fatty acids are essential components of living organism. The distribution of fatty acids between cells as well as within a cell is a complex process due to their low solubility in water. ... -
Ein Netzwerk von heterodimerisierenden C/S1 AtbZIP-Transkriptionsfaktoren und seine Funktion in Seneszenz, Stressantwort und Samenentwicklung
(2006-09-18)Transcription factors of the bZIP (basic region - leucine zipper) family occur in all eukaryotic organisms analyzed so far. bZIP transcription factors bind DNA as dimers, whereby some bZIP ... -
Etablierung und Anwendung der Chromatin-Immunopräzipitation für <i>in vivo</i>-Bindungsstudien der bZIP-Transkriptionsfaktoren TGA2.1 und TGA2.2 an Promotoren der Pathogenabwehr in Tabak
(2005-11-25)The as-1 element, originally found in the Cauliflower Mosaic virus, is inducible by salycylic acid, auxin and also by pathogen attack. Several as-1-like elements were also found in plant ... -
Aminosäuretransport in Raps unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Entwicklungsstadiums der Pflanze und der Stickstoffdüngung
(2003-11-18)Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is the most important oil crop plant in Europe. Despite a very efficient uptake of nitrogen (N) from the soil, oilseed rape has a low nitrogen use ... -
I. Etablierung eines induzierbaren Suizidsystems zur Identifizierung von Mutanten der salizylsäureabhängigen Signaltransduktion II. Expression von tierischen Signaltransduktionskomponenten in Tabak zur Herstellung eines induzierbaren Expressionssystems
(2002-09-04)During pathogen defense in plants the salicylic acid concentration increases. In response to this signal a number of defense genes is activated via a signal transduction chain few steps of ... -
Der bZIP-Transkriptionsfaktor BZI-1 aus Nicotiana tabacum: Analyse der in vivo Funktion durch Modulation der BZI-1- Aktivierungseigenschaften in transgenen Pflanzen
(2002-06-12)The tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) bZIP protein BZI-1 exhibits all typical characteristics of a transcription factor. BZI-1 binds to G-box and C-box cis-elements in vivo, and the N-terminus ... -
Charakterisierung der konservierten Domänen des Transkriptionsfaktors N.t.BZI-1
(2002-05-15)The conserved domains of the transcriptional regulator BZI-1 are defined by the homology to related transcriptionfactors. The specific function of different domains is mediated by the modular ... -
On the role of sugar compartmentation and stachyose synthesis in symplastic phloem loading
(2002-03-08)Compartmentation of phloem-translocated carbohydrates and localization of the synthesis of one specific transport form, stachyose, was studied in leaves of symplastic phloem loaders. In ... -
Zur Bedeutung von Saccharose-Transportern in Pflanzen mit offener Phloemanatomie
(2001-12-04)Plants translocate photoassimilates, e.g. sucrose, through a specialized transport tissue called phloem. This long distance transport between different parts of the plant is essential for ...