Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Pieler, Tomas Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 42
Planar Cell Movements and Axial Patterning During Early Gastrulation of the Rabbit Embryo
(2014-05-22)During mammalian gastrulation cellular mechanisms such as cell movements and cell proliferation give rise to the primitive streak and thereby fix the body axes and create the basis for the ‘milieu intérieur’. Although many ... -
Expression screen for Wnt signaling-like phenotypes identifies Fam132b as a novel inhibitor of BMP signaling in Xenopus
(2014-03-13)The canonical Wnt signaling pathway is known to regulate multiple developmental events,including development of the digestive tract. In this study, we wanted to systematically analyze the role of the Wnt/β-Catenin signaling ... -
miRNA functions in pluripotency and spermatogenesis
(2013-10-23)For quite a long time, non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) were discriminated and considered as an evolutionary error. In light of this opinion, discovery of small ncRNAs, in particular microRNA (miRNA), which can regulate the gene ... -
Differential gene expression of chemokines in KRAS and BRAF mutated colorectal cell lines: Role of cytokines
(2013-06-07)Background: Worldwide, colorectal cancer is the third most common malignancy. The development of the colorectal cancer (CRC) is a multistep process that involves e.g. an accumulation of mutations in tumor-growth promoting ... -
The E2F1-responsive microRNA-449 promotes apoptosis
(2011-07-22)E2F1 is a positive regulator of cell cycle progression and also a potent inducer of apoptosis, especially when activated by DNA damage. To identify E2F1-inducible microRNAs, I performed ... -
Novel proapoptotic p63 isoforms are driven by an endogenous retrovirus in the male germ line of humans and great apes, likely increasing genome stability
(2011-05-04)TAp63, a homolog of the tumor suppressor p53, has the capability to protect the female germ line by eliminating oocytes that suffered severe DNA damage upon irradiation. Though expression ... -
Function analysis of Xenopus NumbL in the context of primary neurogenesis
(2011-03-24)Members of the vertebrate Numb family of cell fate determinants have been shown to play multiple roles throughout early embryogenesis including an essential role during the development of ... -
Functional analysis of transcription factor mScrt2 in cortical neurogenesis
(2010-11-11)The neocortex, a specific for the mammals layered structure that cover the forebrain, is characterized by an enormous cellular diversity as a result of several coordinated developmental ... -
p53 activity during adenovirus infection
(2010-06-24)Adenovirus is a small DNA tumour virus that has been extensively studied, leading to fundamental discoveries in molecular biology of mammalian cells. In particular, adenovirus oncoproteins ... -
Die Interferenz des Tumorsuppressor-Homologen p63 mit dem kanonischen Wnt-Signalweg
(2010-02-16)The tumor suppressor homologue p63 has an essential role in the proper development of squamous epithelia, limb buds and skin appendages, like hair follicles, teeth and glands. Another ... -
Zellbiologische Untersuchung α-Mannosidase-defizienter und Enzym-behandelter Mäuse
(2009-11-04)The deficiency of the lysosomal α-mannosidase leads to the lysosomal storage disease α-mannosidosis. A feasible option for the treatment of this disease is the substitution of the missing ... -
Identifikation von Zielen und molekulare Charakterisierung des RNA-Bindeproteins XSeb4R in Xenopus laevis
(2009-10-28)While developmental processes have been extensively studied in the context of transcriptional regulation, much less is known about regulation via translational regulation. RNA-binding ... -
Analysis of Tribolium head patterning by forward and reverse genetics and transgenic techniques
(2009-09-09)In this thesis several different methods have been applied to get deeper insights into the complex process of head development in insects. As model organism the red flour beetle Tribolium ... -
Funktion und Evolution von hochkonservierten Kopfgenen im Reismehlkäfer Tribolium castaneum
(2009-09-09)The anterior-posterior axis of all bilaterian animals is subdivided into a posterior region marked by the expression of highly conserved Hox-cluster genes and an anterior region free of ... -
Untersuchungen zu Bedeutung von TGF-β während der Entwicklung des Vorderhirns
(2009-02-18)Transforming Growth Factor βs (TGF-βs) are multifunctional cytokines and mediate a wide range of biological activities in a context dependent manner. TGF-βs and their signalling effectors ... -
Die Bedeutung von BRCA1-assoziiertem Protein in der Entwicklung der lastinduzierten Myokardhypertrophie
(2009-02-17)Mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways are regulating important cellular processes such as growth, differentiation, mitosis and apoptosis and are highly relevant for cardiac ... -
Variabilität molekularer axialer Differenzierung am Beginn der Gastrulation beim Kaninchen
(2008-12-10)The development of the body plan within the mammalian embryo is principally affected by the formation of the main body axes; which are anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral and left-right axes. ... -
Die Regulation der Pankreasentwicklung von Xenopus laevis durch Transkriptionsfaktornetzwerke
(2008-12-05)Pancreas development is under control of signalling pathways and a complex transcription factor network. It was previously reported that in Xenopus laevis retinoic acid (RA)- signalling was ... -
Vorläuferzellen des lymphatischen Endothels
(2008-12-05)The origin of the lymphatic vascular system has remained a controversial subject for more than a hundred years. The first visible anlagen of the lymphatic vessels of birds, mammals, and ... -
Functional characterization of m Satb1 and Satb2 in the developing neocortex
(2008-11-21)Satb1, special AT-rich sequence binding protein 1, is a transcription factor that is involved in the regulation of tissue-specific organization of chromatin. It is localized at nuclei ...