Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Stumpner, Andreas Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Measuring communicative complexity across modalities: a new framework in the context of the “social complexity hypothesis” and its application in true lemurs
(2021-03-25)Animals exhibit an astonishing diversity of communicative systems, with substantial variation in both the nature and the number of signals they produce. Variation in communicative complexity has been conceptually and ... -
Attention shift and remapping across saccades
(2017-03-15)Humans and monkeys make two to three saccades per second on average when they are awake, and they are able to keep track of relevant visual stimuli while making saccadic eye-movements to scan a visual scene. Since the ... -
Analysis of the sleep homeostat of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
(2015-12-21)Sleep is essential for animal life and conserved in all animals that have a nervous system. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans exhibits sleep that is regulated homeostatically during larval development. However its ... -
Calcium and cAMP homeostasis determine network organisation of respiratory pre-Bötzinger neurons in Mecp2 null mice in vitro.
(2013-07-03)Rett Syndrome (RS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused primarily by mutations in a Mecp2 gene on the X chromosome that encodes methyl-cytosine binding protein (MeCP2). MeCP2 acts as a transcriptional repressor and an ... -
The Role of the E3 Ubiquitin Ligases Nedd4-1 and Nedd4-2 in Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity
(2013-05-28)Neurons are highly specialized cells that are connected at synapses to allow for the transfer of neuronal information. The development of synapses and the information processing and memory storage in mature synapses require ... -
Modulatorische Effekte von Stickstoffmonoxid und Juvenilhormon auf die Kontrolle des Reproduktionsverhaltens in weiblichen Chorthippus biguttulus
(2010-11-26)Juvenile hormone (JH) and nitric oxide (NO) both influence the reproductive behavior of female grasshoppers. The present thesis explores a possible connection between JH and NO signaling ... -
Ethologische und morphologische Untersuchung von Hybriden der Feldheuschreckenarten Stenobothrus clavatus und Stenobothrus rubicundus
(2010-11-25)The grasshoppers Stenobothrus clavatus and St. rubicundus, which strongly differ morphologically and ethologically, populate various areas on the north and south tomaros mountains, closely ... -
Filtering of species specific song parameters via interneurons in a bush cricket's brain
(2010-01-07)In this doctoral thesis intracellular recordings of identified auditory neurons in the brain of a bush cricket are presented for the first time. Single cell recordings were carried ... -
The conservation biology of the leopard (Panthera pardus)in Gabon
(2009-06-23)The leopard (Panthera pardus) has the greatest geographic distribution of the wild cats, and is the most abundant large felid in Africa. Tropical rainforests comprise a large part of ... -
Gesangskontrolle durch Neurone des Zentralkomplexes: Physiologische und immunzytochemische Untersuchungen an primären Zellkulturen aus dem Feldheuschreckengehirn
(2008-08-20)Acridid grasshoppers communicate with specific song patterns in the context of attracting partners for reproduction, courting and agonistic behavior. When to sing and which song pattern ... -
Evolution isolierter Teilpopulationen der Laubholz-Säbelschrecke Barbitistes serricauda (FABRICIUS 1798)
(2008-04-16)The central European area populated by the ratite bushcricket Barbitistes serricauda (Fabricius 1798) has been fragmented in Prehistoric times by the settling of the copper beech, which was presumably promoted by man. The ... -
Funktion und die Signalübertragung der GABAB-Rezeptoren im respiratorischem Netzwerk der Maus
(2007-07-10)The present project investigated the novel aspects of the function and downstream signaling of GABAB receptors i the developing brainstem respiratory -
Konsequenzen der Expression des Ether à go-go Kaliumkanals
(2006-08-02)This work provides the first description of a highly effective and specific siRNA-based inhibitor for the potential oncogene hEAG1 (human ether à go-go channel), which proved to be ... -
Analysis of two kinetically distinct components of transmitter release at a fast synapse of the mammalian central nervous system
(2006-01-06)Two kinetically distinct components of transmitter release have been observed in Ca2+ uncaging experiments at a CNS synapse in rats, and both release components showed a steep dependence ... -
Neuroautonome Regulation und deren emotionale Modulation bei Mäusen
(2005-05-20)In this dissertation, characteristic somatomotor-, neuroautonomic- and endocrine responses of mice to external stimuli with innate or learned aversive attributes were investigated. Unconditioned ... -
Steuerung der Beinmotorik von Grillen durch ein Paar gravizeptiver Interneurone
(2004-11-23)Gryllus bimaculatus has two position sensitive interneurons (PSI) integrating the afferents of the contralateral club-shaped (clavate) hairs in the terminal ganglion and ascending ... -
Functional Characterization of Neurexophilins in the Central Nervous system
(2002-09-04)Neurexophilins (Nphs) form a family of proteins that were discovered as components of the alpha-latrotoxin receptor, based on their strong binding to the synaptic membrane proteins ...