Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Beneke, Frank Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Bewertung der Praxisnähe und des Lösungsbeitrags von Technologien in der Landwirtschaft 4.0 am Beispiel digitaler Höhenmodelle, drohnengestützter Pflanzenbonitur und mechanisch-chemischer Unkrautregulierung
(2024-12-19)Digital technologies are omnipresent and open up new opportunities for agriculture. At the same time, challenges arise when implementing the technologies in practice. OUTCOME SITUATION: Over the years, significant ... -
Bewertung von Tierwohlindikatoren für Mastschweine
(2024-08-05)The welfare of farm animals is a subject of controversial debate in the economy, politics, society and science. Methods for the assessment of animal welfare are an important component in objectifying the discussion. With ... -
Untersuchungen zur Verringerung der Beizstaubfreisetzung bei Getreidesaatgut
(2024-07-18)Seed treatment and especially the dressing of cereal seed is an elementary part of modern agriculture. The process is considered to be precise, but poses risks to the natural environment, non-target organisms and users due ... -
Sensing and automatic scoring of sugar-beet fields by using UAV-imagery systems for disease quantification
(2024-04-19)Cercospora leaf spot (CLS) in sugar beet is a damaging leaf disease caused by the fungal pathogen Cercospora beticola Sacc. This disease leads to substantial yield diminishment, and its management poses a challenge owing ... -
Entwicklung eines innovativen, nachrüstbaren Moduls zur Luftkonditionierung zur Optimierung der Stallluftqualität in Schweineställen
(2022-11-04)When keeping livestock, an optimal stable climate is a basic prerequisite for ensuring animal welfare and thus also economic success. The temperatures and the relative humidity of the barn air should therefore be ... -
Identifizierung von Problemen im Ananasanbau Costa Ricas und Lösungsansätze für Verbesserungen entlang der Produktionskette
(2022-10-11)In this work, studies were conducted on pineapple cultivation in Costa Rica. A survey of producers in all growing zones of the country was conducted to determine the state of the art by collecting baseline data. There are ... -
Potential Impact of Increasing Ammonia Concentrations upon Microbial Population Dynamics in Anaerobic Meso- and Thermophilic driven Fermenters
(2020-02-06)Anaerobic digestion is the process of decomposition of organic matter by a microbial consortium in an oxygen-free environment. The produced biogas from this process is composed of methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, ...