Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Gauly, Matthias Prof. Dr. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 47
Behaviour and performance of growing and finishing pigs depending on different housing conditions and sire breeds
(2022-10-11)Conventional pig farmers and more particularly their pigs face many challenges throughout different production stages that can alter the welfare and health of the animals and impair the farmers economy and motivation ... -
Indicator-based flock management in broilers and turkeys – mortality, foot pad health and environmental factors
(2020-12-21)For a long time, animal husbandry systems were evaluated with resource-based indicators like space per bird or measures of barn equipment. In favor of animal-based indicators the use of those evaluation systems were declined ... -
Vitrification, warming in sucrose-free medium and transfer of goat and mouse embryos
(2020-05-27)In farm animals, the usage of assisted reproduction programs, implying biotech-nologies such as estrus synchronization, superovulation, cryopreservation of embryos and embryo transfer, to mention some, helps to improve ... -
Control of estrous cycle and superovulation in goats
(2020-05-27)Summary Estrous cycle control is a widely used reproductive biotechnology for controlled breeding of small ruminants. Besides serving the purpose of synchronizing estrus, so that breeding takes place at a particular time, ... -
Molekulargenetische Analysen fortpflanzungsrelevanter Fragestellungen beim landwirtschaftlichen Nutztier
(2018-12-04)This dissertation addresses two topics that are relevant for the reproduction of live-stock. The first part of the thesis describes genetic and environmental factors influenc-ing sperm quality in ejaculates of artificial ... -
Einfluss von Haltung und Management auf das Tierwohl in der Milchviehhaltung
(2018-10-02)The main objective of this Phd-study was to examine the effect of different housing and management factors on the animal welfare level in dairy cattle. Therefore, 85 conventional dairy cattle farms were assessed using ... -
Einfluss des Weideangebotes auf Wohlbefinden, Gesundheit und Leistung von Milchkühen
(2018-03-05)The number of dairy cows with pasture access decreased considerably in the last years, especially in Europe where it declined between 2008 and 2012 by 17 percentage points to only 35%. In Germany, it must be assumed that ... -
Terminorientierte Besamung nach Presynch- oder Ovsynch-Behandlung sowie ein Vergleich verschiedener Methoden der Trächtigkeitsfeststellung bei Milchkühen
(2017-10-23)In dairy farming reproductive performance and milk yield of cows have a major impact on the operation’s economic success. As the negative correlation between milk yield and reproductive performance is widely known, the ... -
Studies on the Ascaridia galli embryonal stages, potential maternal protection and immune response in chicken
(2017-01-19)Regarding to a lack of experimental infection models and different maturation ability of Ascaridia galli egg sources (Worm uteri and faeces) in a first study (Paper 1), A.galli eggs isolated from two different sources ... -
Energy metabolism during long-term storage and subsequent thermal stress in liquid preserved boar spermatozoa
(2017-01-16)In major pork producing countries, artificial insemination is used in more than 90 % of breeding sows. Maintenance of good sperm quality during semen preservation is mandatory to ensure high fertility. Boar spermatozoa are ... -
Zusammenhang zwischen Bestands-, Gruppengröße und Indikatoren des Tierwohls in der konventionellen Schweinemast
(2016-04-25)Animal welfare became a significant issue in the society throughout the past decades. Many consumers tend to combine modern agricultural livestock farming primarily with a high number of animals on a confined space and ... -
Genetische Analyse von Verhaltensmerkmalen beim Schwein
(2016-01-12)This thesis deals with different behaviour parameters in pigs, which were measured during different production periods. The aims of the thesis were to investigate traits that characterise agonistic behaviour as well as ... -
Evaluation of non-invasive biomarkers for behaviour traits in beef and dairy cattle
(2015-02-03)This work investigates different non-invasive biomarkers for behaviour traits in beef and dairy cow. After a general introduction on behaviour tests, animal stress and biomarkers, the work is divided into three parts: In ... -
A step to reducing tail biting in finisher pigs: Can a management tool help pigs and farmers?
(2014-12-16)Tail biting is a major welfare and economic problem in pig production which is difficult to prevent on conventional farms due to its multifactorial nature. A wide range of risk factors have already been identified, but a ... -
Entwicklung und Validierung von praxistauglichen Maßnahmen zum Verzicht des routinemäßigen Schwänzekupierens beim Schwein in der konventionellen Mast
(2014-08-26)Most of the piglets get their tails docked during the first days of living in order to prevent or at least minimize the occurrence of tail biting in pigs. This routine practice of docking is not in accordance with the ... -
Attempts to promote the use of cryopreserved bovine semen: Effect of prostaglandin F2-alpha, sucrose and short-term dry ice storage
(2014-01-09)This dissertation argues that improvement of conception to artificial insemination (AI) through approaches that enhance post-thaw quality of bull semen might sustain enthusiasm for this technology and present a greater ... -
Response to disturbance and plant-animal interactions of grassland swards for chicken free-range husbandry
(2013-08-27)The aim of the present study was to evaluate the suitability of fourteen grassland plant species for establishing swards for free-range chicken husbandry. Nine grasses and five forbs which are known for their good performance ... -
Untersuchungen von klimatischen Einflüssen auf die Gesundheit und Milchleistung von Milchkühen in Niedersachsen
(2013-07-30)Global warming will intensify heat stress for dairy cows. Particularly, heat stress affects animal welfare and health negatively. It is widely unknown to which extent different housing systems can alter this stress. ... -
Untersuchungen zur Erfassung und Genetik von Verhaltensmerkmalen beim Schwein unter Praxisbedingungen
(2013-07-24)Public and political concern for livestock increases and due to new laws housing systems of pigs will change in the future. It is desired to increase well-being of animals, for example, by group housing of pigs at the ... -
Dissection of molecular basis on a causative mutation for ear size QTL on chromosome 7 in pigs
(2013-07-15)The pinna,an important component of the external ear, first appeared in mammals. It plays a vital role in collecting sounds, radiating heat and signaling mood. In humans, the most common ear defect is microtia with prevalence ...