Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Liebert, Frank Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Ernährungsphysiologische Bewertung von teilentfettetem Larvenmehl der schwarzen Soldatenfliege (Hermetia illucens) für den Einsatz in ressourcenschonenden Ernährungskonzepten der Schweine- und Hähnchenmast
(2019-10-30)Alternative protein sources are gaining importance to substitute imported soybean meal (SBM) in animal nutrition. Latest international research activities in monogastric livestock nutrition is focus-ing on the partial ... -
Beiträge zur ernährungsphysiologischen Bewertung optimaler Methionin:Cystein Relationen in der Masthähnchenernährung unter besonderer Beachtung hoher Mischungsanteile von Insektenmehlen als alternative Eiweißquelle für Sojaprotein
(2019-06-04)Literature data on the optimal supply of growing meat-type chickens with the sulfur containing amino acids (SAA) show significant variations. Due to the close metabolic link of methionine (Met) and cysteine (Cys), the ... -
Characterisation of organic cereals and grain legumes as feedstuffs for monogastric animals: Effects of variety and environmental conditions on the contents of crude nutrients, amino acids, thiamine, riboflavin, and in vitro digestibility of crude protein and amino acids
(2019-05-10)The sufficient supply of nutrients, in particular of protein and amino acids, for monogastric animals in organic farming is challenging. For one thing, some feedstuffs that are rich in crude protein and contain large ... -
Ernährungsphysiologische Bewertung von Spirulina platensis für den Einsatz in nachhaltig ressourcenschonenden Ernährungskonzepten der Schweine- und Hähnchenmast
(2019-04-16)To date, the traditionally used soybean meal (SBM), with a relatively favorable amino acid composition, serves as the main protein source in the diets of pig and poultry. However, due to the increasing world population, ... -
Studies on dietary methionine efficiency and requirement in naked neck and normally feathered growing chickens
(2015-04-16)A total of five experiments were conducted with naked neck and normally feathered chickens. The experiments were conducted for the estimation of nitrogen deposition potential, modeling of methionine (Met) requirement in ... -
Untersuchungen zu Wachstumsleistungen von Warmbluthengsten in der Aufzucht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Protein- und Aminosäurenversorgung
(2015-03-09)The purpose of the feeding experiment was to evaluate the influence of nutrient supply on the growth performances of growing colts, aged 11 to 27 months, with balanced energy and varied protein composition. The animals ... -
Studien zur Aminosäurenwirksamkeit beim Mastgeflügel unter spezifischer Betrachtung der verzweigtkettigen Aminosäuren
(2014-03-19)The ideal amino acid ratio (IAAR) offers one possibility to achieve the goals of an environmentally compatible animal production. The IAAR defines the exact ratio of amino acids (AA) that are required by an animal for a ... -
Entwicklung und erste Erprobung eines Alleinfütterungskonzeptes als zentraler Bestandteil weiterer Standardisierungsschritte bei der Laborhaltung von Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus)
(2012-03-15)Common marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus) belong to the family Callithrichidae. They are native to the outskirts of the rainforest in Northern Brazil. The animals have been housed and ... -
Studien zur Aminosäurenwirksamkeit beim Mastgeflügel unter spezifischer Betrachtung der schwefelhaltigen Aminosäuren
(2011-10-06)Based on a verified nonlinear N-utilization model (GEBHARDT 1966, Samadi und Liebert 2008), the objective of this investigation was to determine the amino acid efficiency of broiler chicken ... -
Untersuchungen zum leistungsabhängigen Bedarf an Lysin, Methionin/Cystin und Threonin von Nil-Tilapien auf Grundlage der Aminosäure-Wirksamkeit in ausgewählten Proteinträgermischungen
(2005-01-05)The objective of this investigation was to determine the amino acid efficiency of lysine, methionine/cystine and threonine in different mixtures of protein sources as a basis for the derivation of the amino acid requirement ... -
Study to determine maximum growth capacity and amino acid requirements of Tilapia genotypes
(2002-07-11)The present study was carried out in three experiments with three different genotype of Tilapia. The first genotype was pure male Oreochromis niloticus, the second was red Tilapia Oreochromis ... -
Untersuchungen zur ernährungsphysiologischen Bewertung unterschiedlich behandelter Sojabohnen in der Broilerernährung
(2002-03-15)The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of differently treated soybeans on nutrition-physiological parameters in diets (Corn and differently treated soybean) for ... -
Untersuchungen zum Threoninstoffwechsel bei Laborratten und Küken in Abhängigkeit von der Protein- und Threoninversorgung
(2001-11-21)Aim of this research was to determine the effects of different supply of crude protein (CP), threonine (Thr) and glycine (Gly) on threonine dehydrogenase activity (TDG activity) in the liver ... -
Zum Einfluss unterschiedlicher Behandlungsverfahren und Zusatzstoffe auf ernährungsphysiologische Parameter und Leistung wachsender Broiler nach Verabreichung weizenbetonter Futtermischungen
(2001-11-13)A 2 x 2 x 4 factorial experimental design was used to investigate the main effects of grinding (hammer mill vs. roller mill), hydrothermal treatment (conditioning 70°C vs. expanding* 100°C) ...