Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Schaefer, Matthias Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Local and landscape management effects on syrphid fly guilds: flower strips, farming practice and hedges
(2013-02-26)During the last decades, agriculture has transformed into highly effective and economically optimized production systems with extended cultivation areas and increased usage of fertilizers and pesticides. This development ... -
Funktionelle Vielfalt von Hymenopteren entlang eines Gradienten agroforstlicher Nutzung in Indonesien
(2008-03-19)The rate of deforestation of primary tropical forests due to agricultural expansion is higher in Southeast Asia compared to all other world's tropical regions. Deforestation in tropical forests is a major threat for ... -
Ensuring the Safety of Classical Biological Control for Cabbage Seedpod Weevil in Canada: Assessment of the Ecological Host Range of Candidate Ectoparasitoids in Europe and Clarification of their Taxonomic Status
(2007-09-19)Classical biological control of insect pests and weeds can lead to potential conflicts, particularly if the insect pest and weed agents are closely related. Such a conflict may occur in ... -
Insect diversity and trophic interactions in shaded cacao agroforestry and natural forests in Indonesia
(2006-11-22)In the tropics, human modification of pristine habitats is currently causing unprecedented biodiversity losses. In tropical landscapes, traditional shade agroforestry increasingly makes up ... -
Bees and wasps in agricultural landscapes: effects of dispersal corridors and land-use intensity at multiple spatial scales
(2006-08-04)Agricultural landscapes are characterized by close interactions between annually ploughed crop fields and relatively little disturbed noncrop areas. Many species have adapted to these mosaic ... -
Pflanze-Herbivore-Parasitoid Interaktionen auf Wildrosenarten und ihren Hybriden entlang eines geographischen Gradienten
(2006-03-24)Phenotypes of closely related plant species have been shown to affect higher trophic levels. Multitrophic interactions between host plant species, herbivores and natural enemies may change depending on phenotypic ... -
Kohlenstoffumsatz in aggregierten Böden bestimmt mit Hilfe der natürlichen 13C Abundanz
(2004-01-13)Soil organic matter influences all soil functions and is a crucial factor in the global carbon cycle. The stabilization mechanisms of organic matter in soils are poorly understood. The ... -
Bienen, Wespen und ihre Gegenspieler in Kaffee-Anbausystemen auf Sulawesi: Bestäubungserfolg, Interaktionen, Habitatbewertung
(2003-06-16)In a comparison of 24 agroforestry systems, differing in plant diversity, light intensity, and forest distance, the effects of local and regional land use on bee- and wasp-communities and ...