Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Scherber, Christoph Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Scaling of Animal Communities: From Local and Landscape to Global Processes
(2017-12-12)Animal communities are influenced by processes changing from the local to global scale. Local processes include resource and habitat availability, while landscape processes are often driven by habitat availability and ... -
Scale dependence of pollinator community turnover and tritrophic interactions in changing landscapes
(2015-01-23)Agricultural landscapes account for approximately 40% of global terrestrial area and this proportion tends to grow due to the increasing demand for fuel, food and other agricultural products. For successful crop production ... -
Scale- and trait dependent responses of bird communties to lowland rainforest restoration and frugivore-bird-seed interaction networks in Sumatra, Indonesia
(2014-02-10)Recovery of tropical secondary forest will require human assistance. The first important part in forest restoration is understanding the existing biodiversity and ecosystem service within the secondary forest and use this ... -
Distribution of plant functional traits in a range of grassland formations differing in water and nitrogen availability
(2010-03-10)A database linkage between the BiolFlor and SynBioSys databases was applied to evaluate the general use and application of such linkages for grassland approaches, as well as to investigate ...