Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Traulsen, Imke Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Preference of dairy cows with free access to pasture and barn
(2024-12-12)With the increasing interest of various consumer groups in high welfare husbandry and the pressure on farmers to meet this demand, the number of comparative studies on dairy cow grazing and housing has also increased. ... -
Die Bio-Tierhaltung aus Sicht der Gesellschaft
(2024-11-15)The aim of this dissertation was to assess citizens’ expectations and trust in organic animal husbandry and to identify expectation–reality gaps in organic animal farming. Strengthening consumer trust is an important aspect ... -
Using smart farming technologies to improve the sustainabilty of livestock grazing systems
(2023-01-12)Semi-natural grasslands, which contribute to a wide range of ecosystem services, such as soil erosion control, water storage and carbon storage, are severely threatened by both intensification and complete extensification, ... -
Entwicklung eines innovativen, nachrüstbaren Moduls zur Luftkonditionierung zur Optimierung der Stallluftqualität in Schweineställen
(2022-11-04)When keeping livestock, an optimal stable climate is a basic prerequisite for ensuring animal welfare and thus also economic success. The temperatures and the relative humidity of the barn air should therefore be ... -
Behaviour and performance of growing and finishing pigs depending on different housing conditions and sire breeds
(2022-10-11)Conventional pig farmers and more particularly their pigs face many challenges throughout different production stages that can alter the welfare and health of the animals and impair the farmers economy and motivation ... -
Pig tail biting in different farrowing and rearing systems with a focus on tail lesions, tail losses and activity monitoring
(2020-07-22)Tail biting is a widespread behavioural disorder in modern pig housing systems. It is defined as an oral manipulation of a pig’s tail by another. Different types of tail biting are described throughout the literature which ... -
Einfluss des Weideangebotes auf Wohlbefinden, Gesundheit und Leistung von Milchkühen
(2018-03-05)The number of dairy cows with pasture access decreased considerably in the last years, especially in Europe where it declined between 2008 and 2012 by 17 percentage points to only 35%. In Germany, it must be assumed that ...