Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Loy, Jens-Peter Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Price Formation and the Measurement of Market Power on the International Dairy Markets
(2014-02-27)In the recent years, the international dairy markets have become more and more the focus of public attention. This was primarily due to a higher degree of price volatility that also spilled over to the prices in the European ... -
Preisbildung und Preisreaktionen im Naturkosteinzelhandel - Eine Untersuchung an Biomilchprodukten anhand von Preiselastizitäten, Preisrigiditäten, Preissynchronisation und Preistransmission
(2012-11-12)In this thesis pricing and price reactions in organic retail stores have been studied on the basis of an extensive scanner dataset from 2005 to 2009. Therefore price elasticity, price rigidities, price synchronization and ... -
Interdependencies between Rapeseed and Biodiesel in Europe - Empirical Results and Policy Implications
(2010-05-28)This PhD thesis comprises four articles which focus on the analysis of recent developments in the European rapeseed and rapeseed oil markets. These developments took place under the impacts ...