Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Weigend, Steffen Dr."
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Sequence-Based Analyses of the Goettingen Minipig Genome
(2018-07-27)Among the known pig breeds, the Göttingen Miniature Pig (GMP) stands out due to its special characteristics and history. Its current appearance dates back to the 1960´s when animal scientists from Goettingen took the effort ... -
Selection signature detection in a diverse set of chicken breeds
(2015-01-28)Over the last decade, interest in detection of genes or genomic regions that are targeted by selection has been growing. Identifying signatures of selection can provide valuable insights about the genes or genomic regions ... -
Towards Conservation of Omani Local Chicken: Management, Performance and Genetic Diversity
(2014-06-26)Many rural families in Oman are engaged in agricultural and animal husbandry activities with a majority still depending on farming as a main source of income. Local chicken farming in Oman represents one of the main ...