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Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • 'Das ist absolut wahr!' - Wahre Geschichte oder moderne Sage?- 

      Kaneshiro-Hauptmann, Akemi (2010-06-03)
      Contemporary legends are verbal stories which are told by close persons or modern communication devices and become fast widespread. They serve themselves as a communication tool and address central themes of today"s ...
    • Gesundheitsselbsthilfe - eine Felduntersuchung am Beispiel Göttingens 

      Orgs, Stefanie (2007-06-01)
      The political debate on health care during the past decades has increasingly demanded the withdrawal of the state from the health care system and the transfer of responsibility to the individual citizen.The direct ...
    • Finnen in der Neuen Welt 1865-1914. 

      Sallinen, Susanna (2002-08-28)
      Finnish-Americans describe their life in America Letters before 1914. This research, a qualitative analysis of letter, deals with Finnish emigration to North America and Canada from a socio-historical point of view in the ...
    • Der Amateurfilm 

      Schenke, Eckhard (2002-04-02)
    • Mailehen - Erlebnis des "Überlebten" 

      Wey, Hans-Willi (2002-01-18)
      Mailehen as a topic of cultural research is not new. Efforts have been taken repeatedly to point out the origins, appearances, historical conditions or functions of this custom. Yet, reviewing ...