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    • Free factive subjunctives in German 

      Csipak, Eva (2015-07-24)
      This dissertation discusses a special use of the German subjunctive that I dub the "free factive" subjunctive (FFS). It is exemplified in (1). (1) Ich hätte Pizza im Kühlschrank. I have.SUBJ pizza in the fridge `I ...
    • Impersonally Interpreted Personal Pronouns 

      Zobel, Sarah (2014-10-29)
      The central topic of this thesis is the meaning and use of impersonally interpreted personal pronouns. In particular, I focus on the impersonal use of first and second person singular pronouns, in which these expressions ...
    • Counterfactuals in Context 

      Buschbom, Dirk (2014-02-25)
      This thesis is concerned with questions regarding the semantics and pragmatics of counterfactual conditionals. Its point of departure is provided by a problem mentioned in Veltman [2005], which I call 'Veltman's puzzle'. ...
    • Arguments and Adjuncts at the Syntax-Semantics Interface 

      Schäfer, Roland (2010-07-28)
      In this dissertation, a syntax-semantics interface for Neo-Davidsonian Event Semantics is developed, which provides a compositional mechanism free of variables and lambda abstraction and ...