Browsing Philologie by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 123
A Comparative Study of the Origins of Chinese and Mesoamerican Writing
(2024-02-27)This comparative study is aiming at exploring the nature, origins, circumstances, and factors affecting the origin, of early writing systems in China and Mesoamerica. It focuses on the following aspects relating to the ... -
A grammar of Gawraǰū Gūrānī
(2018-10-01)This study is a detailed grammatical description of the Gūrānī language as used in the village of Gawraǰū, located near the town of Gahvāre in the province of Kermānšāh, Iran. Gūrānī is genetically classified as a North-West ... -
A World through Words: Dengbêjî, Kilam, and Collective Memory
(2023-11-17)This dissertation analyzes aspects of the dengbêjî tradition among Kurdish-Kurmanj communities in the context of collective memory. It argues that dengbêjî is a means of preserving a considerable number of narratives in ... -
Die alttürkische Xuanzang-Biographie IX.
(2012-07-18)The Old Turkic Xuanzang Biograpy IX The present study is an annotated translation of the IXth chapter of the Xuanzang Biography (= XB) in Old Turkic. The XB was translated from Chinese into Old Turkic at the end of 10th ... -
Der Amateurfilm
(2002-04-02) -
An Analysis of Pseudoclefts and Specificational Clauses in Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar
(2009-08-10)This dissertation is concerned with a class of copular clauses known as pseudocleft clauses, with related constructions, and with specificational copular structures in general. The aim is a ... -
Anaphoric Dependencies in Spanish and European Portuguese: A Minimalist Analysis
(2020-09-08)This thesis elaborates on a Minimalist, Agree-based analysis of the lexical and morphosyntactic factors that constrain sentence-internal anaphoric relations in the standard varieties of Peninsular/Castilian Spanish and ... -
"Aquí me río de las modas"
(2007-09-19)The purpose of this work is to study the narrative works of the Argentine author Copi (1939-1987), mostly written in French, from a narratological point of view. On it it i possible t etect procedures of the so ... -
Arguments and Adjuncts at the Syntax-Semantics Interface
(2010-07-28)In this dissertation, a syntax-semantics interface for Neo-Davidsonian Event Semantics is developed, which provides a compositional mechanism free of variables and lambda abstraction and ... -
Auf den Spuren von Yrjö Wichmann. Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Moldauer Tschangos
(2008-10-24)The Moldavian Csángós are an archaic, Hungarian ethnic group living in Moldavia, an eastern province of Romania. The present thesis consists (now) of two main parts: The first main part ... -
Das bedingte Selbst
(2013-07-09)On the basis of recent German texts between 2002 and 2010, the dissertation analyzes typical motive structures and thematical patterns of contemporary generational novels. Family and self-realization are often depicted as ... -
Besitz und Ideal
(2002-03-15) -
Das Buch im Buch. Untersuchungen zu einem Motiv in der gegenwärtigen literarischen Kommunikation
(2011-12-06)The position of the book as key cultural communication medium has been surrendered to electronic and digital media. However, this break with traditional media has been the catalyst for a ... -
Comprehension and production of referential expressions in German Sign Language and Turkish Sign Language: An empirical approach
(2019-07-03)Localization, which corresponds to the spatial anchoring of referents to the signing space, functions as a very powerful, yet not necessarily obligatory, device to track referents and maintain coherence in the discourse ... -
Counterfactuals in Context
(2014-02-25)This thesis is concerned with questions regarding the semantics and pragmatics of counterfactual conditionals. Its point of departure is provided by a problem mentioned in Veltman [2005], which I call 'Veltman's puzzle'. ... -
Dachmarke Literatur
(2020-03-09)In 1986, the first House of Literature (Literaturhaus) opened in Berlin, a literary mediation actor with a year-round offer and a permanent location. Further foundations followed in other cities – from 2005 also in ... -
de molle et douce conversation. Zur Metaphorik der verweichlichten Männlichkeit in der Sprachreflexion der französischen Renaissance.
(2024-04-19)French humanists, as soon as they think about languages in a comparative way, are haunted by the inadequacy of their language. This haunting is expressed through a precise and recurrent metaphor, that compares the proper ... -
Deutsch als Fremdsprache an chinesischen Schulen
(2022-04-05)The history of German language teaching in China can be traced back to about 150 years ago. However, an increase in the teaching of German in middle schools has just been observed since the beginning of the 21st century. ... -
Differential Subject Marking in Georgian
(2024-01-18)This thesis presents a novel account on Differential Subject Marking (DSM) in Georgian based on the current progress in minimalist syntax. It is an original contribution to a highly complex problem in Georgian Syntax and ... -
Discourse Comprehension in L1 and L2
(2015-02-09)The present dissertation contributes to the research on bilingual language processing by investigating the influence of increasing discourse context on the semantic processing of words by advanced learners of German (L2) ...