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    • Die Aushandlung von Zugehörigkeit und Differenz im Geschichtsunterricht 

      Mielke, Patrick (2020-03-04)
      The study explores the significance of history for the enculturation and subjectification of the individual into society, and the production of social reality in the context of history lessons in school. Based on a ...
    • Ende des neuseeländischen Kinos? 

      Steinert-Lieschied, Oliver (2016-12-13)
      New Zealand is a young post-colonial nation that has only been able to emancipate itself from England after a lengthy nation-building process. Even nowadays, New Zealand’s national identity is rather fragile. The process ...
    • Gesundheitsselbsthilfe - eine Felduntersuchung am Beispiel Göttingens 

      Orgs, Stefanie (2007-06-01)
      The political debate on health care during the past decades has increasingly demanded the withdrawal of the state from the health care system and the transfer of responsibility to the individual citizen.The direct ...