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    • Patched-assoziierte Tumoren: Modifikatorgene und Pathogenese 

      Nitzki, Frauke (2008-06-05)
      Patched (Ptch), a component of the Hedgehog (Hh)/Ptch signalling cascade, is frequently mutated in basal cell carcinoma (BCC), medulloblastoma (MB) and rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS). Ptchneo67/+ mice, in which exons 6 and 7 are ...
    • The role of Lissencephaly-1 protein in male germ cell differentiation 

      Drusenheimer, Nadja (2009-07-24)
      In the present study the function of Lissencephaly-1 protein in male germ cell differentiation was analysed. A gene trap mouse model (L39) in which a gene trap vector had integrated in intron 2 of Lis1 gene resulted in ...