Browsing Fakultät für Chemie (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Janshoff, Andreas Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
A Force Spectroscopy Setup to Mimic Cellular Interaction Processes
(2013-06-21)The main objective of this thesis was to establish a biophysical model system that permits to quantify forces involved in cell-cell contacts and cell-substrate-adhesion in a native-like fashion. For this purpose, colloidal ... -
Active Matter in Confined Geometries - Biophysics of Artificial Minimal Cortices
(2020-12-18)Essential physiological processes, such as cell motility, adhesion, growth and differentiation are determined by the ability of cells to modify their mechanical properties. Consequently, both the vitality as well as ... -
Development of a Biomembrane Sensor Based on Reflectometry
(2013-09-13)Membrane proteins play central roles in many significant cellular processes such as signal transduction, cell adhesion and immune recognition reactions. As a result, they gained substantial pharmacological significance, ... -
Epithelial Cells under Mechanical Strain: an Investigation
(2022-06-29)Cells are the minimal living unit of the body. Each cell plays a vital role that must withstand various stresses, from chemical environments to mechanical strain and temperature variations. One of these vital cell types ... -
Fluoreszente Sonden mit gesteigerter Signalintensität für die Lebendzell-Mikroskopie
(2021-09-02)In the past decades key findings in light microscopy has extended the possibilities of optical imaging methods. Imaging of living cells with a detailed visualization of proteins, structures and organelles has become one ... -
Lateral Organization and Thermodynamics of Coiled-coil Lipopeptides - Implications for Docking and Fusion Efficiency
(2013-01-24)Specific cellular membrane interaction is a crucial point in nature as it facilitates key processes like cell-cell communication or membrane fusion. The latter one is highly controlled frequently mediated by the superfamily ... -
Low-Voltage Electrowetting on Dielectrics Integrated and Investigated with Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (LV-EWOD-EIS)
(2018-10-18)Electrowetting on dielectrics (EWOD) is an electrically controllable wetting effect, that has been applied in diverse fields including optics, displays and lab on a chip systems. However, the further development of EWOD ... -
Mechanical properties of pore-spanning membranes prepared from giant vesicles
(2011-05-25)Research interest in the mechanical properties of membranes arises from the multitude of morphological and physiological functions they govern. However, the complexity of native membranes ... -
Mechanik und Dynamik biologischer Modellsysteme am Beispiel aktingefüllter Vesikel und synchroner Zellmigration von Dictyostelium discoideum
(2013-02-06)This thesis analyzes the dynamics of cell contacts of synchronic cells and the mechanical characteristics of the plasma membrane on the basis of two different model systems. The first model system consisting of the amoebae ... -
Membrane mechanics governs cell mechanics in epithelial cell: how surface area regulation ensures tension homeostasis
(2013-04-04)The plasma membrane tension in eukaryotic cells is supposed to be a major regulator of many cellular processes that involve changes in membrane area and membrane deformation including cell migration, mitosis, endo -and ... -
Modell der Bildung und Stabilität von Adhäsionsclustern in biologischen Membranen
(2013-08-22)Cellular adhesion is pivotal in cell development, tissue formation and motility. The orchestration of cellular adhesion is an intricate process that involves a multitude of specialized proteins but at the same time follows ... -
Optical Fusion Assay Based on Membrane-Coated Beads in a 2D Assembly
(2014-04-25)A novel assay of membrane fusion is established based on membrane-coated beads in a 2D assembly. This assay allows identifying the different stages of the fusion process. Membrane fusion driven by heterodimeric coiled coil ... -
Testing tube model predictions on semi-flexible polymer networks
(2023-11-13)The mechanical properties of simple entangled actin filament networks in eukaryotes are well understood as they are predictable with model systems. The high complexity of cellular actin structures like the cell cortex for ...