Browsing Fakultät für Chemie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Kruss, Sebastian Dr."
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Aufbau einer Silicanin-1-haltigen Modellmembran des Silicafällungsvesikels aus Thalassiosira pseudonana
(2021-12-23)Silica polycondensation occurring in diatom organelles called silica deposition vesicles (SDVs) leads to valve and girdle band formation to complete the biosilica cell wall after cell division. This biosilica shows ... -
IR-Untersuchung von schwach gebundenen Molekülaggregaten im Überschallstrahl
(2020-11-16)Quantum chemical methods can be benchmarked by investigating cold and isolated molecular clusters in supersonic expansions via FTIR spectroscopy. The long absorption path necessary for sufficient intensity leads to a high ... -
Schwingungsspektroskopische Untersuchungen zur Chiralitätserkennung und Torsionsdynamik bei Alkoholen
(2020-10-20)In this thesis different implications of molecular chirality are explored by experimental and quantum chemical methods. Discriminating interactions between molecules of different handedness, termed chirality recognition, ... -
Scattering of vibrationally excited NO from vanadium dioxide
(2020-01-24)This work investigates the surface dynamics of vanadium dioxide with nitric oxide in dependence of its metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) at 68 °C. At lower temperatures VO2 has a monoclinic lattice structure which has ... -
Synthesis of rare nucleobases and artificial nucleotides for investigation of catalytic enzyme activity
(2019-10-25)Enzymes are involved in replication, transcription and translation of DNA, as well as the synthesis of nucleobases. The roles and mechanisms for many of these enzymes stay broadly unknown until today. The herein presented ... -
C-H Activation by Nickel and Iron Catalysis
(2019-08-08)The thesis contents methods for the selective activation and functionalization of C–H bonds, among the most abundant bonds in organic molecules. In particular, earth-abundant and cost-effective nickel and iron complexes ... -
Charakterisierung der Aktivität und Inhibition des rekombinanten, spannungsgesteuerten Protonenkanals HV1: Funktionelle Rekonstitution in unilamellare Vesikel
(2018-10-15)The human voltage-gated proton channel (hHV1) regulates important physiological processes like the respiratory burst activity of white blood cells and the motility of spermatozoa by efflux of protons. Reconstitution of the ... -
Conformational spectroscopy of flexible chain molecules near the folding limit
(2018-02-22)The highly competitive conformational landscapes of flexible chain molecules are a difficult challenge even for modern quantum chemistry as several delicate effects, partially counterbalancing each other, play an important ... -
From diatomic to polyatomic quantum-state-resolved molecule-surface scattering
(2017-10-10)In this work, molecule-surface scattering is studied for the diatomic molecule nitric oxide (NO) and the polyatomic molecule formaldehyde. Following the approach of “molecular surface science”, elementary steps in the ... -
Solid Supported Model Membranes Containing Plant Glycolipids: A Tool to Study Interactions between Diatom Biomolecules and the Silicalemma in vitro
(2017-06-22)Silica biomineralization in diatoms is presumably controlled by a self-assembly of biomolecules inside membrane-enclosed silica deposition vesicles. The fine-patterned structure of the diatom’s cell wall is thereby determined ... -
Verknüpfung zwischen Plasmamembran und Zytoskelett
(2016-09-22)The dynamic linkage between the plasma membrane and the underlying cytoskeleton of the cell is fundamental for cellular processes like cell morphogenesis, cell motility and cell adhesion. Ezrin as a member of the ERM ...