Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Siegesmund, Siegfried Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Volcanic tuffs as natural building stones
(2021-11-19)The present thesis deals with the deterioration and durability of volcanic tuff rocks used as building stones in historical architecture and presents a combined approach on identifying the main parameters responsible for ... -
Long-term activity of shear zones in the Dom Feliciano Belt and associated terranes (South America)
(2018-11-16)The Dom Feliciano Belt in southern Brazil and Uruguay records the superposed tectonic events that led to the assembly of southwestern Gondwana during the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano-Pan-African orogenic cycle. During the ... -
Weathering and conservation of monuments constructed from tuff and sandstone in different environmental conditions
(2017-06-21)The present work deals with the weathering and conservation of natural stone used in historical monuments made from tuff and sandstone. Using different case studies, which are located around the world in different climates ... -
Tectonothermal evolution of the Sarandí del Yí Shear Zone and adjacent blocks (Uruguay): Implications for the assembly of Western Gondwana
(2016-08-05)The Sarandí del Yí Shear Zone (Uruguay) is a crustal-scale structure that separates the Río de la Plata Craton from the Nico Pérez Terrane and Dom Feliciano Belt. Nevertheless, its evolution is poorly constrained, even ... -
Marble decay caused by thermal expansion: microstructure-based mathematical and physical modeling
(2014-01-09)Marbles have been considered to be among the most important building materials since ancient times. Regarded as special stones, they are captivating because of their pureness, formability, and translucence. However, ... -
Stone deterioration and replacement of natural building stones at the Cologne cathedral - A contribution to the preservation of cultural heritage
(2013-11-21)The present work deals with the deterioration of natural building stones as a function of mineralogical and petrophysical properties in different environmental and building-physical contexts. Taking Cologne cathedral as ... -
Hydromechanische Modellierung potenzieller geothermischer Rotliegend-Reservoire
(2013-10-11)Permian volcanic sequences of the Northern German Basin (NGB) have recently been investigated considering their geothermal potential. The research project Goß Schönebeck represents a substantial progress in this context, ... -
Multi-Method Chronometric Constraints on the Thermal, Structural and Morphotectonic Evolution of the Eastern and Western Sierras Pampeanas with Special Emphasis on K-Ar Dating of Fault Gouges
(2013-08-20)The thesis presented here is focused on the in investigation of the thermochronological, structural and morphological evolution of the Eastern and Western Sierras Pampeanas in Argentina between 26°S and 34°S latitude. ... -
Dimensional Sandstones: Weathering Phenomena, Technical Properties and Numerical Modeling of Water Migration
(2013-06-21)This here presented thesis is focused on the systematically evaluation of the durability of natural sandstones by the detailed characterization of their petrographical, petrophysical, deterioration and weathering properties. ... -
Structural and morphotectonic evolution of the Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina) constrained by a multithermochronometer approach
(2013-04-29)The Sierras Pampeanas in central and northwestern Argentina constitute a distinct morphotectonic feature above the shallow subducting Nazca Plate beneath the South American Plate between ~27 ° S and ~33° S. Uplift and ... -
Mineralogical, Petrophysical and Economical Characterization of the Dimensional Stones of Uruguay; Implications for Deposit Exploration
(2012-06-05)Dimensional stones are known since the ancient world as noble mineral resources and have been used for the construction of magnificent pieces of art and architecture that were built to endure. Some examples are the Pyramids ... -
Neoproterozoische bis paläozoische Krustendynamik am Westrand des Río de la Plata Kratons
(2010-03-16)Whole rock geochemical analyses using major and trace elements in combination with the Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb isotope systems together with SHRIMP age dating on metasedimentary rocks from the ... -
Charakterisierung des hydromechanischen Verhaltens der Gesteine des Mittleren Buntsandsteins im Hinblick auf eine geothermische Nutzung: Strukturgeologische Geländeaufnahmen, gesteinsmechanische Untersuchungen und numerische Modellierungen
(2009-10-21)The objective of the current study was to evaluate the fluid flow in a geothermal fractured sandstone reservoir of the German Buntsandstein.The first part of the study comprises the analysis ... -
Tectonically-controlled emplacement mechanisms in the upper crust under specific stress regimes: case studies
(2009-07-30)With regards to emplacement controlled by tectonic activity, sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous materials share many similarities. This is not only because that most of the features are ... -
Optimierung der Exploration, Gewinnung und Materialcharakterisierung von Naturwerksteinen
(2009-04-01)Since antiquity dimension stones have represented the embodiment of values like preciousness and longevity. The last several decades were characterised by a continuous growth in the use of ... -
Naturwerksteine Thailands: Lagerstättenerkundung und Bewertung
(2007-05-02)The last three decades were characterised by a continuous growth with respect to the demand of dimension stones. At the present time it is already obvious that the large quantities that are ... -
Verbundene Mikroporosität in Kristallingesteinen
(2001-06-13)The necessity of depositing radioactive wastes and other toxic substances sealed off from the biosphere, led to the idea of the creation of underground disposal sites in suitable geological ... -
The emplacement of the Chinamora Batholith (Zimbabwe) inferred from field observations, magnetic- and microfabrics
(2001-04-20)The Chinamora Batholith (Zimbabwe) frequently is stated as a type-locality for the emplacement mechanism of ballooning, however its emplacement mechanism is still the subject of an ongoing ...