Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 350
A case study for Skukuza: Estimating biophysical properties of fires using EOS-MODIS satellite data
(2003-12-15)Biomass burning in Africa, explicitly in Southern Africa, contributes excessively to the annual aerosol loading and pyrogenic gas emissions within the African atmospheric system. The frequency ... -
A geobiological approach to carbonate factories and ecosystem changes across the Permian–Triassic boundary
(2022-04-05)Contemporary climate change is accelerating. Meanwhile, “Has the Earth’s sixth mass extinction already arrived?” is inquired. The Permian–Triassic crisis, as a possible analog in the Earth history, has aroused great ... -
A post-frontier in transformation: land relations between access, exclusion and resistance in Jambi province, Indonesia
(2017-03-02)Since the early twentieth century, forests on the Indonesian island of Sumatra are converted into large plantation areas for the cultivation of boom crops, such as rubber and oil palms. This land use transformation goes ... -
A remote sensing and geospatial statistical approach to understanding distribution and evolution of ignimbrites in the Central Andes with a focus on Southern Peru
(2014-03-25)This PhD thesis investigates timing, cause and location of “ignimbrite flare ups” during the evolution of the Central Andean uplift and relates volcano-tectonic structures and calderas with shallow intrusive stocks to ... -
Above- and belowground biomass and nutrient stocks in monoculture and agroforestry cacao production systems in the Alto Beni, Bolivia
(2022-03-08)There is hardly any place left on earth that can be considered untouched nature. Humans penetrate into all areas of this earth, and may it be through greenhouse gas emissions or other types of air and environmental pollution. ... -
Die Absorptionskapazität extern generierten Wissens und Technologie von Unternehmen
(2009-09-14)Information can be exchanged by means of video conferences, email, telephone as well as various possibilities of the Internet within extremely short time over long distances. It could ... -
Adaptation to climate change as a key element in strategic planning of biodiversity conservation in Latin America, with special reference to the Santa Cruz department, Bolivia
(2014-06-25)This study is based on a conceptual analysis of climate-induced stresses as well as the revision of management plans of protected areas across the Americas, with a particular focus on the protected areas of the Santa Cruz ... -
Adaptation to natural hazards in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia - strategies of rural households
(2011-06-14)On the global scale an increase in frequency and magnitude of potentially hazardous natural events has to be expected. Regardless of how such changes are attributed, as human systems become ... -
Advanced synchrotron texture analysis of phyllosilicate-rich rocks from different tectonic settings – Understanding texture-forming processes and anisotropic physical properties
(2019-11-18)Texture analysis, i.e. the analysis of the crystallographic preferred orientations of minerals in rocks, contributes to the understanding of the deformation history and physical properties of rocks. Methods generally applied ... -
Advancing Risk and Vulnerability Assessment for Decision-Making and Research
(2016-04-04)Making use of risk and, in particular, of vulnerability assessment, offers a wide range of opportunities to identify and enhance the differential steps of risk management decision-making. However, the benefits of these ... -
Agrar-Umwelt-Maßnahmen : ihre Evaluierung und ein Weg zum institutionellen Wandel
(2009-08-04)Agri-environmental schemes (AES) are services that farmers provide on a voluntary basis. These services contribute t a sustainable development of rural -
Agrarian change and hydro-social transformations. The socio-natural production of water, risk and inequality in Jambi province, Indonesia
(2021-02-23)The production of palm oil, pulpwood and rubber has caused a large-scale expansion of agro-industrial plantation systems in Southeast Asia in recent years. This development is highly contested and has sparked conflict over ... -
Air Surface Temperature Estimation Using MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data in Northwest Vietnam
(2019-07-26)There is increasing demand for air surface temperature (Ta) data that can capture information for a large area or for a region, since this kind of data is an important parameter for a wide range of applications. However, ... -
Alkalien in Chondren - offenes oder geschlossenes System?
(2009-05-05)Sodium as trace element in olivine can be measured by electron-microprobe and using high currents (<600nA). The lower limit of detection is 0.0015 wt.% Na2O in olivine. Results are veryfied ... -
An integrated approach for the investigation of unconsolidated aquifers in a brackish environment - A case study on the Jordanian side of the lower Jordan Valley
(2008-09-18)In semi-arid areas groundwater systems are frequently not sufficiently characterized hydrogeologically and long term data records are generally not available. Long-term time series are necessary, however to design future ... -
An Integrated Approach of Analyzing Management Solutions for the Water Crisis in Azraq basin, Jordan
(2017-05-18)Natural groundwater replenishment in (semi-) arid areas is low and can be sometimes negligible as a result of low precipitation rates and high evapotranspiration. Therefore, groundwater resources in these areas can be ... -
An integrated approach to the study of biosignatures in mineralizing biofilms and microbial mats
(2011-02-02)In this thesis project, biomarkers, biomineralization processes and TREE (trace and rare earth elements) patterns in mineralizing microbial mats were established and tested as biosignatures ... -
An unusually complete suite of eclogite types: Eclogite xenoliths from the Zero kimberlite, South Africa
(2003-04-14)This first investigation of eclogite xenoliths sampled by the Zero kimberlite show that the suite is exceptional concerning kimberlite age and diversity of eclogite types. The Zero kimberlite ... -
Analyse der vierperiodischen Minimalnetze
(2015-03-06)Periodic structures – e. g. crystal structures – are analyzed by means of group theory. The concept of a crystal structure is extendable to the n-dimensional space and the 4-dimensional space groups are known [Brown, ... -
Analyse spektroradiometrischer in situ Messungen als Datenquelle für die teilflächenspezifische Zustandsbeschreibung von Winterweizenbeständen
(2002-08-28)Against the background of the political, economical and societal situation in the agronomic sector, there is an increasing demand for spatio-temporal high resolution data for a site specific ...