Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Tatomir, Alexandru Dr."
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Development of experimental and numerical models to predict the behavior of Kinetic Interface Sensitive (KIS) tracers for multiphase flow in porous media systems - A novel reactive tracer to measure fluid-fluid interfacial area in both static and dynamic conditions
(2024-04-12)An important aspect of understanding the behavior of a two-phase flow system is detecting and measuring the Fluid-Fluid Interfacial Area (FIFA). For example, in underground Gas/Oil/CO2 storage where two phases can co-exist, ... -
Understanding heat transport processes in shallow subground resulting from external and internal impacts
(2024-01-18)Heat conduction in the subsurface environment is the result of internal and external impacts and is governed by different forces in the short and long term. Externally, this phenomenon is related to daily temperature ... -
Numerical modelling of single- and multi-phase flow and transport processes in porous media for assessing hydraulic fracturing impacts on groundwater resources
(2020-05-28)The environmental footprint of hydraulic fracturing has gained substantial attention in the water – energy nexus as the technology is relatively new and its long-term impacts are not thoroughly understood. Of primary ...